It's either a long file name issue across your network, or you can't write to
these files from your machine as you do not have permission to do so (probably
write permission as you've already installed it).  Copy the themetemplate.lst
file to your local machine in a thmtmplt folder under MI Pro (you may have to
use a floppy if its a long file name issue) and modify your preferences to point
to that folder under Options>Preferences>Directories.

Mail List:owner-mapinfo-l
 From:    "Toothaker, Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/06/99    
          02:49 PM GMT                                            
 To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       
 Subject: MI: themetemplate.LST problems                          

Has anyone run into this problem.  Trying to make a change to a thematic
legend and the following error pops up:

cannot access file themetemplate.lst for writing

This error occurs on an NT machine running MI 5 from a network.  I'm
assuming it has something to do with permissions, but any thoughts or
suggestions would be appreciated.


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