Title: Getting a value from the layout window in MB
You can do like that. This is the simpiest way that I know.
You can adjust layout and save as workspace than copy the layout statement to your mapbasic. Change the constatns with your variable (like window names ). By changing the map scale you can vary the scale of layout. 
-----Özgün İleti-----
Kimden: Jacqueline Sloggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kime: 'Mapinfo-L' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tarih: Çarşamba, Haziran 30, 1999 11:45
Konu: MI Getting a value from the layout window in MB

Hi Everyone,

I need some assistance..

What I'm trying to do is create a mbx where I can set the scale of maps we produce in the layout window eg 1:10 000.  I'm trying to use the formula provided last year by Andrew Young which uses map scale, layout frame scale and zoom window width.  I can get the values for map scale and for zoom window width but haven't been able to find out how for layout frame scale (the value denoted as scale on paper).  So any suggestions would be great either to get this value or another way of setting map scales automatically.


Jacqueline Sloggett
Plantation Analyst

Hancock Victorian Plantations
P.O. Box 534
Collins St West
Victoria 3000


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are"  - Anais Nin
"Do or Do Not - There is No Try" - Yoda

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