Re: configuring number of mappers and reducers

2013-04-09 Thread Samaneh Shokuhi
Thanks Sudhakara for your reply. I did my experminets by varing number of reducers and made it double in each experiments .I have a qustion regarding to the response time.Suppose there is 6 cluster nodes and in first experminet i have 3 reducers and it gets doubled (6 ) in second experiment and

Re: configuring number of mappers and reducers

2013-04-09 Thread sudhakara st
Hi Samanesh, Increasing the reducer for a job would not help as you excepting. In most of MR jobs more then 60% time will spent in mapper phase(it depends upon what type of operation performing on data in map and reducer phase). Increasing the number of reduces increases the framework overhead,

Re: configuring number of mappers and reducers

2013-04-09 Thread Samaneh Shokuhi
Sudhakara,thanks again for your information. Actually the reason i am focused on response time is i am going to modify hadoop to skip the sort phase in mapTask and run a sample like wordCount example on modified hadoop (skipped sort in map task) and compare its performance with unmodified hadoop

configuring number of mappers and reducers

2013-04-07 Thread Samaneh Shokuhi
Hi All, I am doing some experiments by running WordCount example on hadoop. I have a cluster with 7 nodes .I want to run WordCount example with 3mappers and 3 reducers and compare the response time with another experiments when number of mappers and reducers increased to 6 and 12 and so on. For

Re: configuring number of mappers and reducers

2013-04-07 Thread Samaneh Shokuhi
Thanks Sudhakara for your reply. So if number of mappers depends on the data size ,maybe the best way to do my experiments is to increase the number of reducers based on the number of estimated blocks in data file.Actually i want to know how response time is changed by changing the number of

Re: configuring number of mappers and reducers

2013-04-07 Thread sudhakara st
Hi Samanesh, You can experiment with 1. By varying number reducer(mapred.reduce.tasks) (Configure these parameters depends to you system capacity) . mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum Tasktrackers have a fixed number of slots for map tasks and for