Hi all,

CampToCamp is proud to announce the beta release of the Mapfile Editor
of Mapfish Studio.

You can demo it here http://dev.mapfish.org/studio/demo after having
registered on the site (a username and password will suffice), and/or
view a screencast of some of the functionality here
http://www.screencast.com/t/BUvqUEMZ .

Please post any feedback as to usability issues or bugs (note however
that your account on the studio site can be cleared every so often as
we upgrade versions - in that case just recreate a new account).

 * add, remove or reorder layers from data stored on the server or on
a postgis database.
 * thematic mapping (automatic classification of layer data, and/or
access to mapserver's expression filtering)
 * advanced symbology (stroke, fill, pattern, marker symbols, labelling)
 * (near) live preview - the mapfile is by default ready for WMS
 * configure a layer for WFS response (select which attributes to
return, and eventually rename them)

Note that the application is currently only available as a demo. We
will provide detailed installation instructions in a second phase once
we're ready for a wider audience. The code will be released under an
open source license (yet to be decided)

We are currently working on extending the capabilities of Studio and
the goal is to offer three main components:
- A tool to manage the data sources
- A tool to manage and edit MapFiles (the current demo)
- A tool to generate MapFish sites, with view, edit, search and query

( For the adventurous, an up-to-date version of the installation
instructions can be found http://dev.mapfish.org/studio/docs in a
couple of hours )

Best regards,

+33 4 79 26 57 97
mapserver-users mailing list

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