Hi everybody,
thanks for all the hints and solutions. After switching to a shell script 
wrapper everything works perfectly. I needed to adapt my reg expressions to get 
it work by removing the ^ at the beginning and the $ at the end. 
Thanks again for the great support. I know why the umm mapserver is one of the 
best software projects in the OSGEO environment. Functionality is great and 
stable and support through dev and user list is always great.
Peter Freimuth 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: thomas bonfort <thomas.bonf...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] cgi variable substituition in DATA statement
> Date: 27 August, 2013 3:04:15 AM MDT
> To: Peter Freimuth <freimut...@gmail.com>
> Cc: MapserverList OSGEO <mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org>
> Peter,
> I've updated the documentation to make this issue clearer. Feel free
> to amend if you see anything more is needed.
> https://github.com/mapserver/docs/commit/ff28660f9b3e25539921d0c39e2a47597d81ebd7
> --
> thomas
> On 26 August 2013 18:41, Peter Freimuth <freimut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> this is the wrapper script which is used:
>> Somewhere in the documentation it says that this should do the same than
>> using the standard cgi way so i expected it would also handle the variable
>> substitution in the same way.
>> import mapscript
>> req = mapscript.OWSRequest()
>> req.loadParams()
>> map = mapscript.mapObj(r'/***/OwsDataStreamingTest/LI_USA-MT.map')
>> map.OWSDispatch(req)
>> exit()
>> So if i switch to:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> MAPSERV="/usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv"
>> MS_MAPFILE="/***/OwsDataSteamingTest/LI_USA-MT.map" exec ${MAPSERV}
>> everything works fine.
>> But if i try to run this as fcgi to make use of keeping the db connection
>> and GDAL_CACHEMAX  i get an error that "map" param is not set.
>> Which mechanismn should be used in context of fcgi to make the map param in
>> the URL unnecessary?
>> Thanks,
>> Peter
>> On 23/08/2013 12:32 AM, thomas bonfort wrote:
>>> yes, that's it. the substitutions only work for the mapserver CGI, not
>>> mapscripts. if you're using mapscript, you can manipulate your mapfile
>>> directly.
>>> --
>>> thomas
>>> On 23 August 2013 04:41, Peter Freimuth <freimut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i will do so on Monday. Is it possible that the fact that we use a tiny
>>>> map
>>>> script wrapper to avoid the map file in the url have something to do with
>>>> it.
>>>> By the way i tried the leaving away of the single '  '  already but it
>>>> just
>>>> fails again because the parameter name doesn't get replaced. Thanks for
>>>> all
>>>> of your hints.
>>>> Just to complete the circumstances. The map file uses the include
>>>> mechanism
>>>> to get the layer definitions and the layer which needs the substitutions
>>>> is
>>>> only referenced by a raster layer as an tile index. Don't know if this
>>>> have
>>>> something to do with it. If i use static values everything is working
>>>> fine.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> --
>>>> Peter Freimuth
>>>> On 2013-08-22, at 3:17 AM, thomas bonfort <thomas.bonf...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Peter,
>>>> can you email me your full mapfile, with the snippets you provided I
>>>> can't see anything wrong and would therefore need to see any
>>>> side-effects from the rest of the mapfile, and/or run it through a
>>>> debugger to see where it's failing.
>>>> --
>>>> thomas
>>>> On 21 August 2013 01:26, Peter Freimuth <freimut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i am trying to get the dynamic variable substitution work on Mapserver
>>>> 6.3dev but somehow it does'nt work as it worked before and as documented.
>>>> When i execute
>>>> or
>>>> I get an error in
>>>> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
>>>> 'data_view'.
>>>> msPostGISLayerWhichShapes(): Query error. Error executing query: ERROR:
>>>> invalid input syntax for type date: "%STARTDATE%"
>>>> LINE 8: ...     (((acquisition_date >= date_trunc('day',date
>>>> '%STARTDAT...
>>>>                                                             ^
>>>> So the substitution does not happen or the default is not applied.
>>>> Any hint on what i am doing wrong would be great.
>>>> See below the components from the mapfile:
>>>> MAP
>>>> .....
>>>>    #
>>>>    # Start of web interface definition
>>>>    #
>>>>    DATAPATTERN '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>    WEB
>>>>        IMAGEPATH
>>>> "/mnt/mapserver/mapserver_wms/geocloud_config/image_path"
>>>>        METADATA
>>>>            .....
>>>>            'PRODUCTID_validation_pattern'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>            'default_PRODUCTID'  '1234567'
>>>>            'CONTRACTIDS_validation_pattern'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>            'default_CONTRACT_IDS'  '0000'
>>>>            'STARTDATE_validation_pattern'
>>>> '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>            'default_STARTDATE'  '2011-01-01'
>>>>            'ENDDATE_validation_pattern'
>>>> '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>            'default_END_DATE'  '2013-09-01'
>>>>        END
>>>>        VALIDATION
>>>>             'PRODUCTID'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>             'CONTRACTIDS' '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>             'STARTDATE'  '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>             'ENDDATE'  '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>        END
>>>>    END
>>>> .....
>>>>    LAYER
>>>>        # this is the tileindex that aggregates the single image products
>>>> together and makes them accessible for the RASTER LAYER "data_view" and
>>>> "data_raw" for rendering
>>>>        NAME "data_idx"
>>>>        STATUS ON
>>>>        DEBUG 5
>>>>        UNITS dd
>>>>        TYPE POLYGON
>>>>        EXTENT -116.364631680367 44.1932837062986 -103.698350095065
>>>> 49.1892799088128
>>>>        CONNECTION "user=***** password=***** dbname=***** host='*****'
>>>> port=5432"
>>>>        DATA "wkb_geom FROM (SELECT t1.* FROM (SELECT re3aip.cat_id as
>>>> archived_in_archiving_identifier, ico.image_id, ico.acquisition_date,
>>>> re3aip.tile_id,
>>>> ico.product_provider_image_identifier, re3aip.ohs_order_id,
>>>> re3aip.imagetake_cat_id, ico.epsg_code,
>>>> re3aip.ohs_contract_id,  ico.service_name,
>>>> ico.footprint_poly::geometry as wkb_geom, ico.image_location,
>>>> ico.vrt_location
>>>> FROM ows.imagepool_catalogue_ows ico
>>>> JOIN ows.re_l3a_imagepool re3aip ON (re3aip.image_id=ico.image_id)
>>>> WHERE ico.service_name in ('LI_USA-MT') AND
>>>> (((acquisition_date >= date_trunc('day',date '%STARTDATE%') AND
>>>> acquisition_date < date_trunc('day',date '%ENDDATE%') + interval '1
>>>> day')))
>>>> AND
>>>> re3aip.ohs_contract_id in ('%CONTRACTID%')
>>>> ) t1
>>>> (SELECT ico.image_id, ico.acquisition_date, re3aip.tile_id
>>>> FROM ows.imagepool_catalogue_ows ico
>>>> JOIN ows.re_l3a_imagepool re3aip ON (re3aip.image_id=ico.image_id)
>>>> WHERE ico.service_name in ('LI_USA-MT') AND
>>>>                            (((acquisition_date >= date_trunc('day',date
>>>> acquisition_date < date_trunc('day',date '%ENDDATE%') + interval '1
>>>> day')))
>>>> AND
>>>> re3aip.ohs_contract_id in ('%CONTRACTID%')
>>>>                                                                   ) t2
>>>>                                                                  ON
>>>> t1.tile_id = t2.tile_id AND
>>>> ((t1.acquisition_date < t2.acquisition_date) OR
>>>> (t1.acquisition_date = t2.acquisition_date AND t1.image_id <
>>>> t2.image_id))
>>>> WHERE t2.tile_id is NULL
>>>> ORDER BY t1.ohs_contract_id, t1.tile_id
>>>>                                        ) foo USING UNIQUE image_id USING
>>>> SRID=4326"
>>>>        #FILTER ( '[product_provider_image_identifier]'='%PRODUCTID%')
>>>>        PROJECTION
>>>>            "init=epsg:4326"
>>>>        END
>>>>        METADATA
>>>>            "ows_title" "Data Index"
>>>>            "ows_extent"  "-116.364631680367 44.1932837062986
>>>> -103.698350095065 49.1892799088128"
>>>>            #'PRODUCTID_validation_pattern'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>            #'default_PRODUCTID'  '1234567'
>>>>            'CONTRACTIDS_validation_pattern'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>            'default_CONTRACTIDS'  '0000'
>>>>            'STARTDATE_validation_pattern'
>>>> '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>            'default_STARTDATE'  '2011-01-01'
>>>>            'ENDDATE_validation_pattern'
>>>> '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>            'default_ENDDATE'  '2013-09-01'
>>>>            #disable explicitly everything that shall not be supported
>>>> for
>>>> this Layer
>>>>            "wms_enable_request"  "!GetCapabilities !GetMap
>>>> !GetLegendgraphic"
>>>>            "wcs_enable_request" "!GetCapabilities !GetCoverage
>>>> !DescribeCoverage"
>>>>            "wfs_enable_request" "!GetCapabilities !GetFeature
>>>> !DescribeFeatureType"
>>>>        END
>>>>        VALIDATION
>>>>            'PRODUCTID'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>            'CONTRACT_IDS'  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+$'
>>>>            'STARTDATE'  '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>            'END_DATE'  '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$'
>>>>        END
>>>>    END
>>>> ....
>>>> END
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>>>> mapserver-users mailing list
>>>> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users

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