what are the exact urls called by geowebcache? (from your apache logs)

I'd suspect a typo in your wms definition, given the stray "?" in your
error message. eg:

instead of


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 15:32, John Westwood <john.westw...@port.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having some problems trying to get GeoWebCache working with MapServer. I 
> currently have a fully functional MapServer / TileCache / OpenLayers system 
> setup on the server. MapServer is functioning as a WMS server.
> With a GeoWebCache layer I receive pink tiles, right clicking and viewing the 
> image tile reports the following type of GeoWevCache error:
> 400: Empty metatile, error message: MimeType mismatch, expected image/png but 
> got text/html
> I believe this means that GeoWebCache received a text response from MapServer 
> instead of an image response. The previous error also came with a MapServer 
> url. Hitting that url brings back the following MapServer error:
> msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String 
> (/data/map-files/gbhgis.map?exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage) failed 
> expression test
> I tried stripping down my map file to just a single layer but that did not 
> help. I also tried using the shp2img command with my full map file:
> shp2img -m /data/map-files/gbhgis.map -o test.png -map_debug 3
> The following debug information was output and the resulting png was blank / 
> transparent:
> msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s
> msDrawMap() total time: 0.001s
> msSaveImage() total time: 0.031s
> There are many layers in my map file, yet nothing much happened with shp2img. 
> Something seems a bit fishy. But everything works alright with Tilecache or 
> with MapServer on its own with no caching. I'm confused.
> Does anybody have any ideas? Perhaps I could look at and compare the 
> TileCache and GeoWebCache requests in the server log? However, it seems that 
> there may be something more fundamentally wrong if shp2img returns northing.
> Regards,
> John Westwood
> Great Britain Historical GIS Project
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