
A year and a half ago I inquired about how to deal with labeling complex 
polygons.  The basic issue is that the center of the bbox does not always fall 
within the boundary of complex polygons.  At the time one of the developers 
mentioned that using the bbox is much faster than trying to fit a label inside 
of the polygon.  At the time I let the issue go, however I have been hearing 
more users complain about labels not fitting correctly on some of the labels.  
Therefore I am wondering if this topic can be discussed again.

Within MapServer:
I agree that using the bbox for label points is much faster to compute than 
using the actual polygon geometry.  I wonder however if it would be possible to 
add a keyword to allow either the bbox or polygon boundary to determine the 
label position.  This way users could have a choice between speed or precision 
for label placement.

Outside of Mapserver:
Does anyone know of a script that could be used to pre-calculate label 


Mark Volz
GIS Specialist

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