Well, Tom suggested that I should post this on the List[s], so below it is.

Forgive any spelling errors - OK - since I just came back from minor back surgery and my spelling before that was "off" for some reason [ha, ha, ha]

The first day's country list was Italy, Germany, and the USA.
As of yesterday morning USA, Spain, and Venezuela moved forward of Germany.

I also have some "Far East" and/or "Pacific Ocean area" countries listed, as well.

This encourages me, and maybe others, that there are people out there that likes our effort, or at least want to see what us "local marketers" are doing for the LibreOffice project.

On 11/20/2014 02:27 PM, Tom wrote:
Hi :)
That might be good to share with the marketing team, or at leatt the Users List.


On 20 November 2014 15:50, timothy.lungst...@gmail.com <mailto:timothy.lungst...@gmail.com> <timothy.lungst...@gmail.com <mailto:timothy.lungst...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Currently the 4.3.4 DVD has had 190 downloads since the 14th.

    The top countries, of the 22 listed, are

    Italy - 38
    USA - 33
    Spain - 30
    Venezuela - 26
    Germany - 14
    Netherlands - 11

    All the rest are single digits.

    The OS download numbers are:

    Windows - 154
    Unknown - 23
    Linux - 13

    I have has other .iso files show Android as the download OS.

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