I registered the stand, so received this email. I cleared out the To:
list. Any feedback we want to give to FOSDEM?

IMO, I think the stands are too far away from the real action (talks).
But maybe that was due to the cold. Didn't like going outside much :P
--- Begin Message ---
Dear stand responsible,

Thank you for manning a stand at FOSDEM 2012, we hope you enjoyed it!

This year, we changed quite a few things for the stands: we cleared out the H building for safety reasons, halved the number of stands in AW and tried out a new setup in the new K building. The total number of stands was 10% less than the year before.

I have tried to talk to each of you, and I think I already have a pretty good idea of what was better or worse. Nevertheless, I would like to ask you to take some time and write us how you experienced FOSDEM and the current setup. That way, we can also take it into account when planning the stands next year.

If possible, we would especially like to hear your opinion about:
- how was it compared to last year (if applicable)?
- what was your general impression?
- what could we improve next year?

Kind regards,

--- End Message ---
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