Today, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced that it had 
denied all six applications for seismic oil and gas surveys now pending off the 
U.S. east coast.  In denying the permits, BOEM concluded that the environmental 
risks of allowing the surveys to go forward outweighed the benefits.  In 
particular, it cited as reasons for denial the potential harm to marine 
mammals, including the North Atlantic right whale; the possible future 
availability of lower-impact seismic technologies, such as vibroseis, if 
surveys are deferred; the lack of any immediate need for seismic exploration 
given the removal of the Atlantic  from the administration's 5-year leasing 
program; and the possibility that data acquired today could become outdated if 
leasing is opened too far into the future.

About the North Atlantic right whale, BOEM wrote: "Given that the next Five 
Year Program excludes the Atlantic from leasing from 2017-2022, and the 
potential for less intrusive seismic technologies in the  near future, the 
potential disadvantage to this small, critically endangered, and declining 
population is not worth the risk."

BOEM's press release on the denials is here:  Please let me know if you have questions.

Michael jasny
Director, Marine Mammal Protection

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