Good day MARMAMers,

Wild Lens is a non-profit conservation media organization.  Our mission is to 
build conservation minded communities and produce content documenting the 
efforts of researchers, citizens scientists, and other organizations focused on 
the conservation of our natural world.

Many of you are aware that the vaquita porpoise is approaching imminent 
extinction. This does not mean that we should accept this outcome.  This is the 
moment where we all raise our voices and take action in order to do more than 
our best in trying to save this species. We want to continue to share our film 
project, Souls of the Vermilion Sea and all of our resources for everyone to 
use on their platforms.  We have included a  shortened 10 minute version of our 
30 minute film, trailer, and PSA in English and Spanish to be imbedded on 
websites.  We would appreciate it for those that choose to use the short 
version of the film to please use language that directs viewers and any other 
interested parties to the Souls of the Vermilion Sea website, <> if viewers would like to 
contact us to view the full length version. One of our strategies is to have 
interested parties contact us and encourage them to organize screenings, which 
will reach a broader audience. We are already seeing positive results with this 
strategy with consistent requests to screen the film globally followed by panel 
discussions. These discussion are crucial to the screening events and we 
emphasize this component when we are contacted.

Here is the link to the 10 minute film: 

Vaquita PSA (English): 

Vaquita PSA (Spanish): 

Trailer (Spanish): 

Trailer (English): 

To hold a screening visit: 

For more information about our vaquita film project please contact: Sean Bogle, 
Eyes on Conservation Project Director Email: 

MARMAM mailing list

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