[MARMAM] New publication: Echolocation click source parameters of Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni) - de Freitas et al.,

2018-05-02 Thread Mafalda dF
Dear all, We are pleased to announce the publication of the following article in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. de Freitas, M., Smith, J. N., Jensen, F. H., Beedholm, K., and Madsen, P. T. (2018). “Echolocation click source parameters of Australian snubfin dolphins

[MARMAM] New publication: Whale distribution in Hawaii

2018-05-02 Thread PWF Research Department
Dear colleagues, My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of a new article: Currie, J.J., Stack, S.H., McCordic, J.A., Roberts, J. Utilizing Occupancy Models and Platforms-of-Opportunity to Assess Area Use of Mother-Calf Humpback Whales, Open Journal of Marine Science, 2018,

[MARMAM] Registration deadline for Species distribution models using R (Jane Elith and Gurutzeta Guillera)

2018-05-02 Thread Oliver Hooker
Species distribution models using R (SDMR01) https://www.prstatistics.com/course/species-distribution-models-using-r-sdmr01/ Deadline for registration is 21/05/2018 This course will be delivered by Prof. Jane Elith, Dr. Gurutzeta Guillera and Jose Square form the 12th - 15th June 2018 at

[MARMAM] Introductory distance sampling course on the web

2018-05-02 Thread Eric Rexstad
If you have wanted to learn about distance sampling, but have not been able to attend one of our workshops, those workshop materials are now available online. We have 21 videos of our lectures described by workshop instructors here in St Andrews.  There are also PDFs of the lectures.  In