The Punta San Juan Program from the Center for Environmental Sustainability
of Cayetano Heredia University is seeking for volunteers to participate in
the “2019 Guano Harvest Monitoring Campaign” at Punta San Juan Reserve,
Marcona town, Ica, Peru (from June to August). The monitoring campaign is a
conservation tool, use to mitigate possible negative effects on wildlife
during the guano harvest. This conservation action has been happening for
the pass 15 years in coordination with Peru’s agriculture and environmental
departments, whom are in charge of the guano harvest.


All volunteers will participate of daily activities in the field, under the
guidance and supervision of their volunteer coordinator and Program staff.

Main tasks:

·         Enforce the boundaries for the guano extraction stablished in the
master plan.

·         Daily monitoring of indicator species (Humboldt penguins, Guanay
cormorants, Peruvian boobies, Peruvian pelicans and Inca terns, sea lion,
and fur seals)

·         Help with seabird and pinniped sample processing

·         Offer talks to the local community and guano harvesters

·         Rodents control

·         Install artificial nests for Inca terns


·         The chance to collaborate in a direct conservation action in an
active research station.

·         Learn the mitigation strategies and monitoring methodologies.

·         Live in a multicultural environment, next to coastal marine


·         Be at least 18 years old.

·         To have availability for 15 continuous days in the field.

·         Preferably to be graduated or in the last year of biology,
environmental engineering, veterinary or related.

·         International insurance.

·         Being comfortable in a bilingual Spanish/English environment.

·         To have previous field experiences, highly recommended.


Bus fare (Marcona-Lima /Lima-Marcona), Food, lodging and materials at PSJ
for 15 days: 950.00 USD; this fee includes support for Peruvian volunteers.
Airfare to Peru, local transport and hotel in Lima city is not included in
cost (should be self-provide).


Punta San Juan reserve Marcona district, Nazca province, Ica, Peru.


Vacancies are limited to 6 International volunteers per group. Application
deadline is on *May 5th*. Results will be announced on *May 10th. You can
apply for following groups:

Group 1 > 30-May- 13-Jun

Group 2 > 14-Jun- 28-Jun

Group 3 > 29-Jun- 13-Jul

Group 4 > 14-Jun- 28-Jul

Group 5 > 29-Jul- 12-Aug

Group 6 > 13-Ago- 27-Aug

** The volunteering program last 15 continuous days in the field. We
recommend to arrive to Lima one day prior your departure to Marcona-*

To apply send a Motivation Letter and a Curriculum Vitae to Laura Leticia
Escobar Mendoza (
All application should indicate the subject: “2019 Guano Harvest Monitoring


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