[MARMAM] New publication: Use of boto and tucuxi for bait

2014-04-01 Thread Veronica Iriarte
Dear MARMAMERS, I am pleased to announce the following publication: Iriarte, V. & Marmontel, M. (2013). Insights on the use of dolphins (boto,* Inia geoffrensis* and tucuxi, *Sotalia fluviatilis*) for bait in the piracatinga (*Calophysus macropterus*) fishery in the

[MARMAM] New Publication: River dolphin mortality events in the Amazon

2013-06-03 Thread Veronica Iriarte
Dear MARMAMERS, We are pleased to announce the following publication in Aquatic Mammals: Iriarte, V. & Marmontel, M. (2013). *River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis, Sotalia fluviatilis) mortality events attributed to artisanal fisheries in the Western Brazilian Amazon.Aquat