Dear Marmam members,


We are pleased to announce the publication a new work entitled Biomass
removal from shore-based whaling in the Azores, in Fisheries Research.


Knowledge on historical fisheries removal is essential for adopting an
ecosystem approach to the management of marine resources. Shore-based
whaling was an important economic activity for the Azores archipelago with
23,557 sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) captured between 1896 and 1987.
The corresponding biomass is unknown because local official fisheries
statistics report this extractive component in number of sperm whales and
total oil production. The objective of this study was to estimate total
sperm whale biomass removed during shore-based whaling operations using two
different methods: (1) a function of length of males and females and (2) a
function of oil extraction efficiency. The estimated sperm whale biomass
removed from Azorean waters by shore-based whalers between 1896 and 1987 was
361,039 tonnes (250,297-619,561 tonnes). For the period 1950-1987, sperm
whale catches represented 29% of the total biomass removed by fisheries,
including whaling. At the peak of whaling activity (1950-1957), sperm whale
catches were about twice the amount reported by the fisheries sector. The
results show that biomass removal by whaling was important in the scope of
the regional fisheries. Consequently, including sperm whale biomass
extractions into the total marine fisheries catch for the Azores is of high
relevance for implementing an ecosystem approach to management.

The paper can be obtained from the permanent link:

In case you have any difficulty in gaining access to the paper, please
contact me for reprints.


Rui Prieto

Dep. Oceanography and Fisheries

Un. Azores

R. Prof. Frederico Machado

9901-862 Horta



Ph.: + 351 292 200 400


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