Dear MARMAM community,

We would like to share our new publication on cardiac function and 
cardiorespiratory coupling in cetaceans. In this study, the function of the 
heart was investigated in the bottlenose dolphin, the beluga, the killer whale, 
the false killer whale, and the pilot whale. The results showed that cetaceans 
have large variation in heart rate directly after a breath, and when compared 
with land mammals, the relationship between breathing frequency and heart rate 
is very different. We propose that these differences may indicate a mechanism 
that helps improve gas exchange during a surface interval.

Fahlman, A., Miedler, S., Marti-Bonmati, L., Ferrero Fernandez, D., Muñoz 
Caballero, P., Arenarez, J., Rocho-Levine, J., Robeck, T., and Blawas, A.M. 
(2020). Cardiorespiratory coupling in cetaceans; a physiological strategy to 
improve gas exchange? Journal of Experimental Biology 223, jeb226365.

Video abstract: 

Abstract: In the current study we used transthoracic echocardiography to 
measure stroke volume (SV), heart rate ( fH) and cardiac output (CO) in adult 
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), a male beluga whale calf 
[Delphinapterus leucas, body mass (Mb) range: 151–175 kg] and an adult female 
false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens, estimated Mb: 500–550 kg) housed in 
managed care.Wealso recorded continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) in the beluga 
whale, bottlenose dolphin, false killer whale, killer whale (Orcinus orca) and 
pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) to evaluate cardiorespiratory coupling 
while breathing spontaneously under voluntary control. The results show that 
cetaceans have a strong respiratory sinus arrythmia (RSA), during which both fH 
and SV vary within the interbreath interval, making average values dependent on 
the breathing frequency ( fR). The RSA-corrected fH was lower for all cetaceans 
compared with that of similarly sized terrestrial mammals breathing 
continuously. As compared with terrestrial mammals, the RSA-corrected SV and CO 
were either lower or the same for the dolphin and false killer whale, while 
both were elevated in the beluga whale. When plotting fR against fH for an 
inactive mammal, cetaceans had a greater cardiac response to changes in fR as 
compared with terrestrial mammals.We propose that these data indicate an 
important coupling between respiration and cardiac function that enhances gas 
exchange, and that this RSA is important to maximize gas exchange during 
surface intervals, similar to that reported in the elephant seal.

The journal provides a couple of free downloads that can be found here:
Or else please send me an email if you would like a pdf copy at: 

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