Dear MARMAMers:

A recent paper (Mazzaro et al. 2012) has come to my attention, regarding iron 
indices in dolphins:

The authors conclude that “Compared with those in managed collections, wild 
dolphins were 15 times more likely to have low serum iron (100 μg/dL or less), 
and this measure was associated with lower haptoglobin. In conclusion, 
bottlenose dolphins in managed collections are more likely to have greater iron 
stores than are free-ranging dolphins.” In addition, the authors note that a 
“25-y retrospective study of one population [the dolphins in the Navy Marine 
Mammal Program] demonstrated that 67% of dolphins [who had died] had excessive 
hepatic hemosiderin deposition at time of death, 92% of which had hemosiderin 
deposition in Kupffer cells; hemolytic anemia, anemia of chronic disease, and 
viral infections were not associated with hemosiderin deposition, and the 
primary hypothesis is that dolphins in managed collections may be susceptible 
to iron storage disease,” and “A total of 25% (28 of 115) of samples [from 
living dolphins] from managed collections had high serum iron (exceeding 300 
μg/dL).” They point out that “determining why this situation occurs among some 
dolphin populations [presumably those in captivity] and not others [presumably 
those in the wild] may improve the treatment of hemochromatosis in dolphins.”

I was unaware of the prevalence of hemochromatosis and related indices in 
captive dolphins until some days ago, when it was brought to my attention that 
two dolphins in a facility in Finland are suffering from the disease. Mazzaro 
et al. (2012) conclude that the “primary hypothesis” is that captive dolphins 
may be more susceptible to the disease, but from my perspective, that 
hypothesis seems to be supported by the data in Mazzaro et al. (2012) itself 
(which looked at two separate captive populations, as well as two separate 
free-ranging populations). The next step, therefore, would be to consider 
hypotheses as to why captive dolphins are more susceptible to this disease than 
free-ranging dolphins – and also to ask the question of whether cetacean 
species other than bottlenose dolphins (in captivity or free-ranging) are 
susceptible to the disease or its related indices.

I have inquired with colleagues on this point and apparently no one is yet 
looking into these questions. There is some research ongoing with free-ranging 
dolphins regarding numerous health issues (including conditions related to iron 
indices) that may be associated with or exacerbated by climate change, oil 
spills and so on, but no one appears to be looking into the question as to why 
such a large percentage of captive dolphins suffer from some degree of 
hemochromatosis, a disease that can lead to diabetes, chronic pain, organ 
failure, etc. I know of at least one instance where a captive dolphin was 
euthanized as a result of suffering from hemochromatosis.

The first idea I had was that the inability of captive dolphins to dive deeply 
and the general lack of the need to breath-hold might make iron-based 
adaptations to breath-holding (i.e., greater amounts of hemoglobin and 
myoglobin) a liability in captivity, in terms of contributing to excessive iron 
loads. The fact that phlebotomy appears to be a relatively successful treatment 
for hemochromatosis in captive dolphins seems to bear this idea out. I am not a 
physiologist, but regardless of the likelihood of that etiology, it seems that 
this relatively recent discovery of what amounts to a significant welfare 
concern for captive dolphins should be a primary research question among public 
display facilities holding cetaceans. I am concerned that this does not appear 
to be the case and would welcome feedback from the marine mammal community, 
including anyone who can point me to evidence that I am wrong about the lack of 
ongoing research into this question.

Naomi Rose


Marine Mammal Scientist

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