Hello all,

On behalf of Dr. Stefanie Gazda and myself, we are happy to share our
recent publication with you titled "Fifty Shades of Gray: The First
Leucistic Bottlenose Dolphin (*Tursiops truncatus*) Sighting off the Cedar
Keys, Florida, Gulf of Mexico" published in Aquatic Mammals.

Gazda, S. K., and M. L. Russell. 2022. Fifty Shades of Gray: The First
Leucistic Bottlenose Dolphin (*Tursiops truncatus)* Sighting off the Cedar
Keys, Florida, Gulf of Mexico. Aquatic Mammals; 48(6), 661-665, DOI

Summary: This is the first sighting by dedicated marine mammal researchers
of a hypopigmented, suspected leucistic bottlenose dolphin in the
north-eastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The adult female dolphin nursing a
normally colored calf makes the sighting even more unusual. The use of news
articles that are over 50 years old aided in the creation of this paper and
represents a potentially useful dataset of information in public records
regarding rare sightings such as leucistic marine mammals in
never-before-reported locations like the north-eastern GOM.

This paper is available OPEN ACCESS here:

Many thanks,
Mackenzie Russell

Mackenzie Russell, MS
Alabama Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Stranding Coordinator
Dauphin Island Sea Lab
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