Dear MARMAM community,

My co-authors and I are pleased to share our recent Open Access publication in 
Science Advances:

Findlay, C.R., Rojano-DoƱate, L., Tougaard, J., Johnson, M.P., & Madsen, P.T. 
(2023). Small reductions in cargo vessel speed substantially reduce noise 
impacts to marine mammals. Science Advances.

Global reductions in the underwater radiated noise levels from cargo vessels 
are needed to reduce increasing cumulative impacts to marine wildlife. We use a 
vessel exposure simulation model to examine how reducing vessel source levels 
through slowdowns and technological modifications can lessen impacts on marine 
mammals. We show that the area exposed to ship noise reduces markedly with 
moderate source-level reductions that can be readily achieved with small 
reductions in speed. Moreover, slowdowns reduce all impacts to marine mammals 
despite the longer time that a slower vessel takes to pass an animal. We 
conclude that cumulative noise impacts from the global fleet can be reduced 
immediately by slowdowns. This solution requires no modification to ships and 
is scalable from local speed reductions in sensitive areas to ocean basins. 
Speed reductions can be supplemented by routing vessels away from critical 
habitats and by technological modifications to reduce vessel noise.

The full article is available open access at:

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to discuss further.

Best regards,

Charlotte R. Findlay
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Zoophysiology, Department of Biology, Aarhus 
@chazz_findlay / @BioacousticsAU

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