Dear friends,


We are pleased to inform you that since the beginning of January this year, you 
can visit one of the most complete websites in Spanish about the Mediterranean 
monk seal


It contains exhaustive information about the species, its problems and the 
conservation initiatives aimed at halting its decline.


The website has been designed under the auspices of the Monk Seal conservation 
project on the Cape Blanco-Guerguerat Peninsula, run by the CBD-Habitat 
Foundation for more than 10 years.


You can access a large number of videos, photos, educational and 
awareness-raising materials and an exhaustive amount of information at and


Interaction is one of the main features of this new website, so in addition to 
the large and varied body of information about the species, it has a large 
number of videos and photos that let you see with your very own eyes the 
different age groups and discover their everyday behaviour such as lactation 
and feeding, neither of which has been published on the Web before. You can 
also check the species' historic distribution range and the few places where 
populations of the animal still survive.


There is another feature of the new website that we want to highlight: a 
special section devoted to a recently begun project in conjunction with 
fishermen from the Spanish deepwater fleet in the Mauritania area, REDFOM or 
the Monk Seal Sighting Network. It is particularly concerned with encouraging 
the involvement of fishing industry workers in the protection of the Monk Seal 
by reporting observations on the high seas. It includes a form that people can 
fill in to report sightings, and it has another web access portal:


However, instead of telling you all about it, we suggest you visit the site and 
discovery it for yourself.


 FundaciĆ³n CBD-Habitat

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