Dear all,

here are some new publications of week 03 / 2008,
which haven't been announced on MARMAM earlier AFAIK.

By clicking the following link you are guided to 
a website, where the following references are 
linked to their according journal homepages. 
There you can find abstracts and contact 

Please do not contact MARMAM, the MARMAM editors or me for reprints. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you who sent in reprints to be 
included in the weekly announcements.

Kindest Regards,
Jan Herrmann


Amundin, M. et al. (2008):
An echolocation visualization and interface system for dolphin research.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(2): 1188-1194.

Anonymous (2008):
PERSPECTIVES. Jan Erik Ringstad (Editor). 2006. 
Sandefjord: Kommandør Chr. Christensens 
Hvalfangstmuseum (Publication 31). 192 p, 
illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 82-993797-7-6.
Polar Record 44(2): 190-191.

Doksæter, L. et al. (2008):
Distribution and feeding ecology of dolphins 
along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Iceland and 
the Azores.
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55(1-2): 243-253.

Klanjscek, T. et al. (2007):
A model for energetics and bioaccumulation in 
marine mammals with applications to the right 
Ecological Applications 17(8): 2233-2250.

Miller, P.J. et al. (2008):
Stereotypical resting behavior of the sperm whale.
Current Biology 18(1): R21-R23.

Nachtigall, P.E. et al. (2008):
Shipboard measurements of the hearing of the 
white-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris.
Journal of Experimental Biology 211(4): 642-647.

Skov, H. et al. (2008):
Small-scale spatial variability of sperm and sei 
whales in relation to oceanographic and 
topographic features along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55(1-2): 254-268.


Castinel, A. et al. (2008):
Humoral immune response to Klebsiella spp. In New 
Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) and the 
passive transfer of immunity to pups.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44(1): 8-15.

Holmes, E.E. et al. (2007):
Age-structured modeling reveals long-term 
declines in the natality of western Steller sea 
Ecological Applications 17(8): 2214-2232.

Kavtsevich, N.N. and A.S. Yurko (2007):
Nucleolus organizer activity in lymphocytes of harp seals of different ages.
Doklady Biological Sciences 416(1-6): 409-411.

Zeno, R.L. et al. (2008):
Development of foraging behavior in juvenile northern elephant seals.
Journal of Zoology 274(2): 180-187.


Aguilar, A. et al. (2008):
The distribution of nuclear genetic variation and 
historical demography of sea otters.
Animal Conservation 11(1): 35-45.

Jores, J. et al. (2008):
Occurrence and Prevalence of Clostridium 
perfringens in Polar Bears from Svalbard, Norway.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44(1): 155-158.

Sundar, N. et al. (2008):
Genetic diversity among sea otter isolates of Toxoplasma gondii.
Veterinary Parasitology 151(2-4): 125.

--> jan.herrmann -at -

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