The Dolphin Alliance Project 
(<>) is seeking high 
calibre students for two PhD projects to start in 2018. The first project will 
use acoustic, behavioural and genetic data to investigate the ontogeny of 
alliance formation in the Shark Bay dolphin population, focussing on juvenile 
and adult dolphins. The second project will explore how ecology, particularly 
the acoustic properties of the environment, contributes to variation in 
alliance behaviour and mating success in this remarkable population.

The students will be based at the University of Western Australia (UWA) under 
the supervision of Dr Stephanie King (UWA), and will be co-supervised by 
Professor Michael Krützen (University of Zürich), Professor Richard Connor 
(UMass Dartmouth) and Dr Simon Allen (UWA). Students will work in a dynamic 
research environment with access to a behavioural and demographic database 
spanning 30+ years, biopsy samples from 700+ individuals, and acoustic data 
from 15 well-documented alliances.

Applications are open to both domestic and international students, who should 
be eligible for an RTP scholarship:

Exceptional students are encouraged to apply for the Dean's Excellence in 
Science PhD Scholarships:, as 
well as the Keiran McNamara World Heritage PhD Top-Up Scholarship:

General requirements include a background in evolutionary and behavioural 
biology, a BSc (Hons) or MSc degree (first class) in a relevant discipline, and 
fieldwork experience (preferably with marine mammals and/or primates). 
Knowledge or experience in bio-acoustics and/or small boat handling skills 
would be advantageous.

Ideal candidates will have strong oral and written communication skills and the 
ability to work and share ideas in a highly collaborative setting. 
International students, in particular, should have at least one peer-reviewed 

Applicants should send an expression of interest and CV, including the contact 
details of two academic referees, to Dr Stephanie King 
(<>) by 7th October 

Successful candidates will be informed prior to the 21st October to ensure 
scholarship applications are submitted prior to the 31st October deadline.

Stephanie L. King, PhD
Society in Science - Branco Weiss Fellow
Centre for Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009
Ph 0864881773 (W) 0447 265840 (M)


Please visit my homepage<> to find out more about my 

“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the 
office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” — Jack Kerouac

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