Dear MARMAMers,

on behalf of my colleagues, I am very pleased to share with you the
publication of our latest article on the visual cortex of a variety of
terrestrial and marine cetartiodactyls (we are supposed to say artiodactyls
again now, see Protheros et al., 2021, sorry), compared to two primate
species (chimpanzee and pig-tailed macaque) and the horse, in Brain
Structure and Function.
It should be in open access for now, so feel free to give it a read.

Graïc, J.-M., Peruffo, A., Corain, L., Finos, L., Grisan, E., & Cozzi, B.
(2021). The primary visual cortex of Cetartiodactyls: organization,
cytoarchitectonics and comparison with perissodactyls and primates. *Brain
Structure and Function*, *1*, 3.
Abstract: Cetartiodactyls include terrestrial and marine species, all
generally endowed with a comparatively lateral position of their eyes and a
relatively limited binocular field of vision. To this day, our
understanding of the visual system in mammals beyond the few studied animal
models remains limited. In the present study, we examined the primary
visual cortex of Cetartiodactyls that live on land (sheep, Père David deer,
giraffe); in the sea (bottlenose dolphin, Risso's dolphin, long-finned
pilot whale, Cuvier's beaked whale, sperm whale and fin whale); or in an
amphibious environment (hippopotamus). We also sampled and studied the
visual cortex of the horse (a closely related perissodactyl) and two
primates (chimpanzee and pig-tailed macaque) for comparison. Our
histochemical and immunohistochemical results indicate that the visual
cortex of Cetartiodac-tyls is characterized by a peculiar organization,
structure, and complexity of the cortical column. We noted a general lesser
lamination compared to simians, with diminished density, and an apparent
simplification of the intra-and extra-columnar connections. The presence
and distribution of calcium-binding proteins indicated a notable absence of
parvalbumin in water species and a strong reduction of layer 4, usually
enlarged in the striated cortex, seemingly replaced by a more diffuse
distribution in neighboring layers. Consequently, thalamo-cortical inputs
are apparently directed to the higher layers of the column. Computer
analyses and statistical evaluation of the data confirmed the results and
indicated a substantial correlation between eye placement and cortical
structure, with a markedly segregated pattern in cetaceans compared to
other mammals. Furthermore, cetacean species showed several types of
cortical lamination which may reflect differences in function, possibly
related to depth of foraging and consequent progressive disappearance of
light, and increased importance of echolocation.
Thank you all,

Jean-Marie Graïc, Dr. Vet. Med., Ph.D.
Post-doc research fellow
*Veterinary Anatomy*
Dept. of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
University of Padua - Veterinary Medicine
Mail : AGRIPOLIS - BCA prima stecca
Viale dell’Università, 16
35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy
Tel : +39 049 827 2547
E-mail : <>

*The hypopthalamus - "Here in this well-concealed spot, almost to be
covered with a thumbnail, lies the very main spring of primitive
existence – vegetative, emotional, reproductive – on which with more or
less success, man has come to superimpose a cortex of inhibitions.” Cushing

Le lun. 4 oct. 2021 à 12:37, Jean-marie Graic <> a
écrit :

> Dear MARMAMers,
> on behalf of my colleagues, I am very pleased to share with you the
> publication of our latest article on the visual cortex of a variety of
> terrestrial and marine cetartiodactyls (we are supposed to say artiodactyls
> again now, see Protheros et al., 2021, sorry), compared to two primate
> species (chimpanzee and pig-tailed macaque) and the horse, in Brain
> Structure and Function.
> It should be in open access for now, so feel free to give it a read.
> Graïc, J.-M., Peruffo, A., Corain, L., Finos, L., Grisan, E., & Cozzi, B.
> (2021). The primary visual cortex of Cetartiodactyls: organization,
> cytoarchitectonics and comparison with perissodactyls and primates. *Brain
> Structure and Function*, *1*, 3.
> <>
> Thank you all,
> Jean-Marie Graïc, Dr. Vet. Med., Ph.D.
> Post-doc research fellow
> *Veterinary Anatomy*
> Dept. of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
> University of Padua - Veterinary Medicine
> Mail : AGRIPOLIS - BCA prima stecca
> Viale dell’Università, 16
> 35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy
> Tel : +39 049 827 2547
> E-mail : <>
> *The hypopthalamus - "Here in this well-concealed spot, almost to be
> covered with a thumbnail, lies the very main spring of primitive
> existence – vegetative, emotional, reproductive – on which with more or
> less success, man has come to superimpose a cortex of inhibitions.” Cushing
> (1932)*
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