Dear colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I would like to share with you our most recent

"Assessment of cetacean exposure to underwater noise in the southwestern
Atlantic ocean "
Bittencourt, L.,  Barbosa, M., Paiva, A.,  Bisi, T.L., Mill, G. N., Costa,
V. S., Lailson-Brito,J.Jr., and  Azevedo, A.F. (2023)

Cetacean exposure to underwater noise in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean is
largely unknown. With the goal to characterize sound pressure and sound
exposure levels in different environments, we have employed data from one
month of passive acoustic monitoring in a coastal and an oceanic location
to register sound pressure level variations and to calculate sound exposure
levels to which cetacean species are subjected. Noise profiles varied
between locations; Rio de Janeiro coastal area had higher levels than the
Vitoria-Trindade Seamount Chain area. At both sites, low-frequency hearing
cetaceans were the group under higher exposure during day and night. For
high-frequency and very high-frequency groups, the day period presented
higher levels. Results highlight the conditions of these unexplored
soundscapes and the necessity for taking underwater noise into
consideration for space-time regulation of marine areas in cetacean
conservation efforts.

Kind regards,
Dr. Lis Bittencourt
Post-doctoral fellow in Oceanography
Laboratório de Mamíferos Aquáticos e Bioindicadores - MAQUA
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, 4º andar - sala 4002 bloco E
Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
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