Seeking research assistants in Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, for a research 
project to evaluate underwater noise impacts of boats on humpback whales.

Project Outline:
The research project aims to investigate the underwater noise impacts of 
whale-watching boats on humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). The project 
will conduct boat-based controlled exposure experiments using unmanned aerial 
vehicles (UAVs) and digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs) to measure 
behavioural responses of whales to the boat.

We are seeking volunteers for full-time assistance from August 1st-October 31st 
2018 (southern migration of humpback whales).

Primary Investigators: Dr Kate R. Sprogis and Prof. Peter T. Madsen.

Location: Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. Exmouth is a small, remote town with 
limited shops that is ~15hrs drive north of Perth. Exmouth is the town 
associated with the Ningaloo Reef Marine Park.

Duties: Field- behavioural data collection, boat driving, assistance with UAVs 
(pending previous experience), assistance with D-tagging, assistance with the 
underwater loudspeaker.

Office- Download of DTAG and UAV data, Data entry, UAV video processing, 
equipment maintenance, project organisation and logistics.

Preferred skills and traits:

  1.  Completed a degree in biology, marine science, animal behaviour or a 
related field.

  2.  Previous field experience with cetaceans (e.g. with underwater acoustics, 
D-tagging, behavioural field data collection, focal follows, UAV experience).
  3.  Have boating experience.

  4.  Be enthusiastic, team oriented and have a positive, mature attitude as 
well as a genuine interest in wildlife science.
Preferred candidates will have experience working well in a small team and in 
remote locations, are fluent in English, and have experience using computer 
programs (e.g. MATLAB).

Assistants should be adaptable and patient as fieldwork is highly weather 
dependent (e.g. any day with <15knt winds, including weekends). When the 
weather permits expect boat days to be long and on consecutive days. On 
non-field days, data processing will be required.

Costs of housing (in a shared research house with 3-4 others) and food will be 
covered for the research season (3 months). Research assistants will be 
responsible for their own travel to Exmouth, WA (coach buses and direct flights 
from Perth are available). If you are interested in being an assistant, please 
provide a short CV (including academic referees) and a one-page cover letter to<>.

Kate Sprogis, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow
Marine Bioacoustics Lab<>, Dept. of 
Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark<>
Adjunct, Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit, Perth, Australia
Twitter, Instagram: @KateSprogis


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