Our annual National Whale & Dolphin Watch takes place from Saturday (29th
July) through to the following Sunday (6th August) and we need UK-based
cetacean enthusiasts to head to the coast to take part!


Here's how you can help.


1)      Please report your UK cetacean sightings

2)      Download a watch form and do a watch, or multiple, for yourself!


It's as simple as that.


We'd love for you to collect boat-based data if you have access to vessel.
If you need further advice on any aspect of the event then please write to
me or contact our National Whale and Dolphin Watch Assistant, Lauren, on


Thanks in advance for your help recording these incredible animals!


Kathy James

Sightings Officer


Sea Watch Foundation

Paragon House

Wellington Place

New Quay


SA45 9NR


Tel: 01545 561227 (Tues, Weds, Thurs) 01970 623906 (Mon & Fri only)



on/Documents/ADMIN%20MISC> facebook  <https://twitter.com/SeaWatchersUK>


Ever shop online? Sign up for
<https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/seawatch/> Easy Fundraising and
raise money for the Sea Watch Foundation while you shop at no cost to you! 
All your donations directly support our research!


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