Consider submitting an abstract and attend:

*Workshop: **Environmental** History** of Marine Mammals***

* *

*Cádiz, 19th March 2011 (12h30-21h00)*

25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean

Cádiz, Spain, 21st to 23rd March 2011

The goals of the workshop “Environmental History of Marine Mammals” are to
discuss various aspects of the study of human interaction with marine
mammals over time. This is a relationship with a long common history of
cultural and ecological interactions, marked by great interest of people in
these giants of the sea, but also by conflicts in the use of their habitat.
Whales and dolphins, seals and sea lions, manatees and dugongs, once
considered "big fish" of the unknown sea, or strange monsters that stranded
on beaches and even seen just as a human resource, are currently regarded as
animals whose natural populations need to be studied and preserved. During
the workshop aspects about how humans shape the marine environment and
marine mega fauna and also how ecological changes shape humans will be
considered. Besides, some methodological aspects on how to conduct an
environmental history research, its interdisciplinary characteristics and
its present day relevance to all the other fields of science related with
marine mammals will be approached. Topics related with whaling history in
the world and in the Iberian Peninsula (north and south of Spain, and
Portugal mainland and archipelagos), historical and recent strandings of
marine mammals, among others, will be presented and discussed. Some
researchers are already invited to take part of the workshop but submissions
for oral presentations from ongoing investigations from different scientific
domains will be accepted and greatly appreciated.

*Organized by Cristina Brito (CHAM – FCSH, UNL: in
the scope of the project “Knowledge and recognition in areas of Portuguese
influence: registries, scientific expeditions, traditional knowledge and
biodiversity in Subsaharian Africa and Insulindia” (FCT_HC0075) and the
postdoctoral project “Trading, transporting and dealing in exotic animals
and their products from 1500-1970: their impact on European science and
culture” (SFRH/BPD/63433/2009) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology *

Escola de Mar
Investigação, Projectos e Educação em Ambiente e Artes, Lda.

Lisboa, Portugal
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