Dear MARMAM and ECS Talk subscribers,
Apologies to those of you who will receive duplicate emails due to 
The following titles represent the contents of the most recent issue (Volume 
45, issue 3, 2019) of Aquatic Mammals. 
For individuals with a print subscription, the double print copy of 45.3/45.4 
will be mailed in late July.
Aquatic Mammals is the longest running peer-reviewed journal dedicated to 
research on aquatic mammals and is published quarterly with manuscripts 
available as published PDFs in real time. 
Further information about the journal can be found at: <> 
To submit a manuscript for publication consideration, please visit: 
Thank you for your continued interest in the journal and abstract postings.
With regards,
Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Editor, Aquatic Mammals Journal <>
Stephanie H. Stack, Jens J. Currie, Jessica A. McCordic, and Grace L. Olson. 
(2019). Incidence of Odontocetes with Dorsal Fin Collapse in Maui Nui, Hawaii. 
Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 257-265. DOI: 
Jorge Acevedo, Anelio Aguayo-Lobo, Daniela Haro, Gabriela Garrido, and Carlos 
Olave. (2019). Occurrence of the Commersonʼs Dolphin (Cephalorhynchus 
commersonii) in Fitz Roy Channel, Pacific Coast of Chilean Patagonia. Aquatic 
Mammals 45(3): 266-273. DOI: 
Bingyao Chen, Lin Zhu, Thomas A. Jefferson, Kaiya Zhou, and Guang Yang. (2019). 
Coastal Bryde’s Whales’ (Balaenoptera edeni) Foraging Area Near Weizhou Island 
in the Beibu Gulf. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 274-279. DOI: 
Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Helder-Hoek, Ruby van Kester, Rowanne Huisman, and 
Robin Gransier. (2019). Temporary Hearing Threshold Shift in Harbor Porpoises 
(Phocoena phocoena) Due to One-Sixth Octave Noise Band at 16 kHz. Aquatic 
Mammals 45(3): 280-292. DOI: 
Jorge Acevedo, Romeo Vargas, Daniel Torres, and Anelio Aguayo-Lobo. (2019). 
Northerly Births of the Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) in Their 
Former Southeast Pacific Distribution. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 293-298. DOI: 
Edgar E. Becerril-García, Hiram Rosales-Nanduca, Aurora Paniagua-Mendoza, 
Roberto Robles-Hernández, and Fernando R. Elorriaga-Verplancken. (2019). 
Records of Whalesuckers (Remora australis) on Short-Beaked Common Dolphins 
(Delphinus delphis) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 
299-302. DOI: 
Danielle M. Halteman and Wendy L. Ryan. (2019). The Effect of Group Composition 
on the Social Behaviors of Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in an 
Artificial Environment. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 303-310. DOI: 
Mingzhong Liu, Peijun Zhang, Kuan Li, Mingming Liu, and Songhai Li. (2019). 
Efficiency and Effect Evaluation of Remote Biopsy Sampling on Indo-Pacific 
Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Northern South China Sea. Aquatic 
Mammals 45(3): 311-319. DOI: 
Aldo S. Pacheco, Cristina Castro, Romina Carnero-Huaman, Damian Villagra, 
Santiago Pinilla, Judith Denkinger, José D. Palacios-Alfaro, Cristina 
Sánchez-Godinez, Rocío González-Ruelas, Sebastian Silva, Belen Alcorta, and 
Jorge Urbán R. (2019). Sightings of an Adult Male Killer Whale Match Humpback 
Whale Breeding Seasons in Both Hemispheres in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. 
Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 320-326. DOI: 
Ioannis Giovos, Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos, Shotaro Nakagun, Nina Vieira, Elena 
Akritopoulou, Amalia Floriou-Servou, Beatrice Savinelli, Myron Papadopoulos, 
Loriane Mendez, Sergio Calle Lobo, Emiliano Zaratua, Maria Garagouni, Georgios 
Orfanidis, and Cristina Brito. (2019). An International Online Social Survey of 
Public Attitudes Towards Cetaceans. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 327-339. DOI: 
Rianna E. Burnham and David A. Duffus. (2019). Acoustic Predator–Prey Reaction: 
Gray Whales’ (Eschrichtius robustus) Acoustic Response to Killer Whales 
(Orcinus orca). Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 340-348. DOI: 
Ronald A. Kastelein, Robin Gransier, Marloe Brouwers, and Lean Helder-Hoek. 
(2019). Hearing Thresholds of Two Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) for Helicopter 
Dipping Sonar Signals (1.3-1.4 kHz). Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 349-355. DOI: 
Letter to the Editor

Javier Almunia. (2019). The 47th Annual EAAM Symposium 2019 – Scientific 
Program. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 356-357. DOI: 
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