Dear all,

here are some new publications of weeks 43+44/ 2008,
which haven't been announced on MARMAM earlier AFAIK.

By clicking the following link you are guided to a website, where the 
following references  are linked to their according journal 
homepages. There you can find abstracts and contact information:

Please do not contact MARMAM, the MARMAM editors or me for reprints. Thank you.

Thanks to all of you who sent in reprints to be included in the 
weekly announcements.

Kindest Regards,
Jan Herrmann


Acutis, P.L. et al. (2008):
Comment on "Comparative genomic analysis of the whale (Pseudorca 
crassidens) PRNP locus''.
Genome 51(12): 1062.

Alter, S.E. et al. (2009):
Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genetic Variation across Calving Lagoons in 
Eastern North Pacific Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus).
Journal of Heredity 100(1): 34-46.

Benoit-Bird, K.J. and W.W.L. Au (2009):
Cooperative prey herding by the pelagic dolphin, Stenella longirostris.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125(1): 125-137.

Currey, R.J.C. et al. (2008):
Abundance and demography of bottlenose dolphins in Dusky Sound, New 
Zealand, inferred from dorsal fin photographs.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42(4): 439-449.

Tezanos-Pinto, G. et al. (2009):
A Worldwide Perspective on the Population Structure and Genetic 
Diversity of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in New Zealand.
Journal of Heredity 100(1): 11-24.

Torres, L.G. (2008):
A kaleidoscope of mammal, bird and fish: habitat use patterns of top 
predators and their prey in Florida Bay.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 375(): 289-304.

Hester, K.C. et al. (2008):
Unanticipated consequences of ocean acidification: A noisier ocean at lower pH.
Geophysical Research Letters 35(): L19601.


Gaydos, J.K. et al. (2008):
Novel and canine genotypes of Giardia duodenalis in Harbor Seals 
(Phoca vitulina richardsi).
Journal of Parasitology 94(6): 1264-1268.

Horning, M. et al. (2008):
Intraperitoneal implantation of life-long telemetry transmitters in otariids.
BMC Veterinary Research 4(51): .

Stewart, R.E.A. (2008):
Redefining walrus stocks in Canada.
Arctic 61(3): 292-308.

Wolf, N. and M. Mangel (2008):
Multiple hypothesis testing and the declining-population paradigm in 
Steller sea lions.
Ecological Applications 18(8): 1932-1955.

Zabka, T.S. et al. (2009):
Characterization of a Degenerative Cardiomyopathy Associated with 
Domoic Acid Toxicity in California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus).
Veterinary Pathology 46(1): 105-119.


Clark, D.A. et al. (2008):
Polar bear conservation in Canada: defining the policy problems.
Arctic 61(4): 347-360.

Hobson, K.A., I. Stirling, and D.S. Andriashek (2009):
Isotopic homogeneity of breath CO2 from fasting and berry-eating 
polar bears: implications for tracing reliance on terrestrial foods 
in a changing Arctic.
Canadian Journal of Zoology 87(1): 50-55.

--> jan.herrmann -at -
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