Apologies for cross-posting.

Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2010

Connecticut, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking two interns for the summer of 2010. These internships have 
both field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-12 


DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. As a team, DCP 
research scientists study four groups of dolphins in three countries. Interns 
are needed at our Bimini, Bahamas research site, where we study Atlantic 
spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is available 
at the end of this post.



In the field:

¨       Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact 
dates TBD, likely beginning mid-July)

¨       Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs, underwater 
video) during 4-6 hour/day boat excursions

¨       Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and 
video as well as other data analysis tasks

¨       Assist with on-board and outreach education 


At the office:

¨       Travel to and assist office staff for 4-6 weeks at our Connecticut 
office (exact dates TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning ~1 June)

¨       Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: 
photo-identification of individuals from other DCP research sites, conducting 
detailed focal follows from video data for behavioral analyses, and acoustic 
analysis of dolphin sounds 

¨       Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public



Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions. They will also be proficient swimmers with the 
desire to improve free-diving skills. They will be able to work as a team both 
at the office and in a fairly remote and isolated field setting. Good writing 
and public speaking skills are a must, as is attention to details. Interns must 
be at least 18 years of age.


Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Connecticut. There is a $1,000.00 fee which will 
cover expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Connecticut are the responsibility of the intern, 
although assistance in securing this may be available. 


Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPinternship. Interested applications should read this page 
thoroughly before applying.


Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
kmeli...@dolphincommunicationproject.org. Applications are due 1 February 2009. 
Due to field schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. 
Interviews (in-person or via telephone) may be arranged for selected 


For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo at 


Thank you,


Kelly Melillo
Research Associate, Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project



Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 



Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 

Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifics? International Journal of Comparative 
Psychology, 20: 65-88 

Paulos, R.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Kuczaj, S.A. 2008.  The role of touch in select 
social interactions of Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) and 
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Ethology 26: 153-164.

Dudzinski, K.M., Thomas, J. Gregg, J.D. 2008. Communication. In (W.F. Perrin, 
B. Würsig, H.C.M. Thewissen, eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, second 
edition. Academic Press, Inc.

Dudzinski, K.M., Gregg, J.D., Ribic, C.A., Kuczaj, S.A. 2009. A comparison of 
pectoral fin contact between two different wild dolphin populations. 
Behavioural Processes, 80:182-190 

Melillo, K.E., Dudzinski, K.M., Cornick, L.A. 2009. Interactions between 
Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) 
dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003-2007. Aquatic Mammals, 35:281-291

Kelly Melillo
Research Associate, Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project

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