Dear colleagues,

We are happy to share our recent publication in Journal of Mammalogy:

Revalidation of *Tursiops gephyreus* Lahille, 1908 (Cetartiodactyla:
Delphinidae) from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.
Janaina Carrion Wickert; Sophie Maillard von Eye; Larissa Rosa Oliveira;
Ignacio Benites Moreno. *Journal of Mammalogy* 2016. Doi:

ABSTRACT: Historically, the taxonomic status of the bottlenose dolphins,
*Tursiops*, has been confusing. Over 20 nominal species have been described
in, or transferred to, the genus, but most them have been synonymized under *T.
truncatus*, the type species of the genus. Here, we review the taxonomic
status of *Tursiops gephyreus* Lahille, 1908, from the southwestern
Atlantic Ocean (SWA), a taxon long considered as either synonym or
subspecies of *T. truncatus. *We
examined a total of 280 bottlenose dolphin skulls, including the lectotype
of *T. gephyreus*. We examined all specimens for morphological (14
characters) and morphometric (29 measurements) differences. Univariate and
analyses were conducted to test differences between groups. Based on
qualitative and quantitative analyses of skulls as well as the vertebrae
number of *Tursiops *specimens from SWA, we recognized 2 distinct
morphological forms of bottlenose dolphins in the region, consistent with
treatment of 2 species under the “diagnosable version of the Phylogenetic
Species Concept.” Six qualitative characters are reliable for the
identification of both species in the SWA, but the shape of the nasal
process of the right premaxilla alone is sufficient to separate the
species. Furthermore, the total number of vertebrae is higher in *T.
truncatus* (62–64) than in *T. gephyreus* (57–59). Based on these results, we
propose the revalidation of *T. gephyreus*. Since *T. gephyreus *was
recognized as inhabiting the estuaries and the surf zone alongside the Rio
Grande do Sul in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina coasts, the conservation
efforts must take into account that this region presents similar threats to
the species.

Feel free to contact me for any inquiries or to request the PDF at: j

Best regards,

MSc. Janaína Wickert
Laboratório de Sistemática e Ecologia de Aves e Mamíferos Marinhos
Dep. de Zoologia - UFRGS - Instituto de Biociências.
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Bloco IV - Prédio 43435 - Sala 206. Porto Alegre
- RS - Brasil. CEP:91.501-970. Telefone: 55-51-3308.7706
Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos do Rio Grande do Sul - GEMARS
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