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Bloomberg News
America Last Among Peers With No Paid Federal Maternity Leave

Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- It took Elin Betanzo eight years to stay home for three 
months with her first child.

She stockpiled leave for that long so she could dip into her time-off account 
at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency after her son’s birth. She forgot 
to plan for falling ill later.

“What I hadn’t thought about in advance was the need for me to have plenty of 
sick leave when I came back,” said Betanzo, 35, an engineer. “I wish that when 
I started working someone would have told me, ‘Save for a house, save for 
retirement -- save if you ever want to take maternity leave.’”

The U.S. government doesn’t provide a benefit many on Wall Street take for 
granted and that the European Union, Japan and Russia require. A bill 
introduced Feb. 10 to give federal employees four weeks paid time off to care 
for new children isn’t likely to make it to a vote.

The measure’s probable fate underscores that the U.S. has “the most 
family-hostile public policy” in the developed world, said Joan Williams, 
director of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California’s 
Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco.

The U.S. is one of three nations of 181 studied by Harvard and McGill 
universities that don’t guarantee working mothers leave with compensation, and 
researchers say it pays the price in lost productivity and health risks for 
children. The two other countries are Papua New Guinea and Swaziland.

“It’s absurd that we don’t have it,” said Janet Gornick, a professor and 
director of the Luxembourg Income Study Center at the City University of New 
York Graduate Center. “Our employment profile no longer looks very good for 
women overall. The absence of leave is part of the story.”

Twelve Unpaid Weeks

The U.S. government employs about 2.85 million, 1.22 million of them women, 
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. India’s central government payroll 
is 31.6 million, 3.06 million of them female, and Indonesia has 4.6 million 
civil servants, of whom 2.14 million are women, according to government data. 
Chinese government agencies employed 11.93 million in 2008, while Brazil has 
1.11 million federal workers, official statistics not broken down by gender 

In the U.S. -- where 47 percent of the workforce is female -- anyone employed 
for at least 12 months by a business with a payroll of at least 50 may take 12 
unpaid weeks and not lose their jobs under the Family Medical Leave Act. The 
1993 law covers about half the workforce, including federal employees.

‘Economic Losses’

While maternity leave with pay is a perquisite at Bank of America Corp., 
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and other big financial institutions, most employers 
in the U.S. don’t provide the benefit. The number offering fully paid leave 
fell to 16 percent in 2008 from 27 percent in 1998, according to a study by the 
New York-based Families and Work Institute.

A 2010 survey of human resources managers at 534 companies by the Society for 
Human Resource Management in Alexandria, Virginia, found 17 percent offer leave 
with pay and another 7 percent plan to reduce or eliminate it within 12 months.

“If we don’t make motherhood and work compatible, there are long-term economic 
losses,” said Robert Drago, research director at the Institute for Women’s 
Policy Research in Washington. They include productivity and earning power lost 
when women have to interrupt work and costs when employers have to find and 
train replacements, he said.

After nine years in the EPA’s ground and drinking water section, Betanzo quit 
to take a job she said better fit her expertise, with the Washington Suburban 
Sanitary Commission.

“I have been saving money so I can take leave without pay if I am lucky enough 
to have another child,” she said. “Saving time off has not been as much of an 
option as it was when I did not have a child.”

Military Maternity Leave

For Representative Carolyn Maloney, 65, the New York Democrat who is the main 
sponsor of the federal parental leave bill, the motivation is partly personal. 
The mother of two daughters, she was the first women to give birth while on the 
New York City Council. When she became pregnant while working for the New York 
State Assembly in the 1970s, she said in an interview, “they just expected me 
to quit. No woman had ever come back after having a baby. That’s what they told 

Her measure would cost $938 million over five years in salaries the U.S. 
doesn’t now have to pay when new parents stay home, the Congressional Budget 
Office concluded.

The bill wouldn’t cover the military, which has its own paid policy: six weeks 
for women and 10 days of paternity leave for married active duty service 

Moving to Canada

Federal workers “should not have to choose between a paycheck and getting their 
newborn home and settled in,” Maloney said when she introduced the bill, which 
she’s done in every Congress since 2000. The house passed the legislation in 
2009 and it stalled in the Senate. Maloney said she doesn’t expect it to come 
to a vote this year.

The EU is considering increasing the minimum paid maternity leave from the 14 
weeks mandated since 1992. Organization for Economic Cooperation and 
Development countries provide an average of 18 weeks, according to the 
Paris-based organization.

Amanda Boyce, a program officer at the National Institutes of Health in 
Bethesda, Maryland, stayed home with her daughter in 2007 for 10 weeks. For six 
of them, she used paid time she got from a leave bank, into which employees 
deposit days they can’t use or want to contribute to others.

“If I put it in the perspective of the people I know, I had it pretty good,” 
Boyce, 36, said. “If I put it in perspective of the rest of the world, I did 
not get off good. But it’s too late to move to Canada.”

Family Friendly

Employers with maternity leave offer it to attract and retain workers, 
according to interviews with company officials.

“It’s the price of admission,” said Maryella Gockel, flexibility strategy 
leader for the accounting firm Ernst & Young LLP in Secaucus, New Jersey. “We 
want women to return to work and we want women to succeed.”

Ernst & Young, with a payroll of more than 140,000, gives new mothers 12 weeks 
paid and 10 weeks unpaid time off. It was one of the top 10 family friendly 
companies in 2010, according to the New York-based Working Mother Research 

Bank of America, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, was also among the top 10. 
It pays new parents of either gender for 12 weeks and allows them to take a 
total of 26 weeks.

Goldman, on the Working Mother’s register of 100 most family friendly, offers 
16 weeks time off with pay to new mothers and 4 weeks to new fathers. (The bank 
in November settled a lawsuit by a former vice president who claimed she was 
demoted after taking maternity leave and fired when she chose to return to work 

Jury Duty Pay

The U.S. government could save $50 million a year by offering paid time off for 
new parents because the perquisite would encourage women to stay in the federal 
workforce, keeping down hiring and retraining expenses, according to a 2009 
Institute for Women’s Policy Research analysis.

A November report by the Partnership for Public Service, using U.S. Office of 
Personnel Management data from 2006 to 2008, found that 24 percent of new 
federal hires left within two years. Some 48 percent of federal employees, and 
67 percent of supervisors, will be eligible for retirement by 2015, according 
to the report.

U.S. government workers are allowed seven days of leave with pay after donating 
bone marrow or an organ and are paid for jury duty. Those who stay home with 
babies amass sick and vacation days, borrow from co-workers or their future 

‘Expensive New Benefit’

Foes of Maloney’s bill cite costs and contend government workers don’t need 
more benefits. Republican Representative Darrell Issa of California publicized 
his opposition with a 2009 YouTube video that has since been removed. It showed 
Maloney saying countries with leave laws “cannot be wrong” and ran photographs 
of the leaders of North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela under text saying, 
“Could these guys be wrong on paid parental leave?” according to accounts in 
the Washington Post and the Media Matters Action Network website.

Issa is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 
which has jurisdiction over the Maloney legislation. His spokesman, Frederick 
Hill, said in an e-mail that the congressman “hasn’t changed his position that 
the current economic situation is the wrong time to offer federal employees an 
expensive new benefit.”

Carrie Lukas, executive director of the Washington-based Independent Women’s 
Forum, which supports limited government, said granting federal employees the 
benefit might encourage the government to mandate it for all employers.

Generous Policy Now

“There are real costs to businesses,” said Lukas, 37, the mother of three 
children. “If you start making it such a disadvantage to hire women, I’m going 
to think gosh, this is a 30-year-old women who may pop out a bunch of kids, I 
don’t want to take the risk.”

Dena Hixon, a doctor at the Food and Drug Administration in Washington, said 
the time-off policy is generous enough that prospective parents can accumulate 
and borrow enough leave to spend time with their newborns, as she did when her 
twin daughters were born 11 years ago.

“The public already begrudges us the benefits that we get,” Hixon, 56, said. 
“It is really hard to justify asking for more, particularly when most people 
have even less sick leave or maternity leave.”

Data comparing the U.S. to other countries shows the consequences of failing to 
marry work and motherhood, according to Gornick of the Luxembourg center. The 
U.S. is 26th among the 34 OECD members in employment of women with higher 

Wage Gap

Seventy-one percent of mothers with children under 18 were in the labor force 
in 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, up from 47 percent in 
1975. Mothers earn 60 cents for every $1 that fathers earn, while childless 
women make 94 cents for every $1 made by men without children, according to 
Michelle Budig, an associate professor of sociology at University of 
Massachusetts Amherst.

A reason for the gap is a lack of maternity leave, Budig said in testimony to 
Congress in 2010. “A significant portion of gender-based differences in 
employment, earnings and experiences of discrimination are increasingly related 
to parenthood,” she testified.

The lack of a paid leave mandate has spurred family responsibility 
discrimination lawsuits in the U.S., according to the Center for WorkLife Law’s 
Williams. She said the number of suits, claiming harassment of women who become 
pregnant or retaliation against workers who take care-giving leave, has climbed 
400 percent in 10 years.

Immunizations, Checkups

In California and New Jersey, programs that are financed by payroll taxes on 
employees allow most workers in the private and public sectors to take time off 
with compensation to take care of family members, including infants. Washington 
state in 2007 adopted a law to do the same, delaying implementation until 2012 
because of a budget shortfall.

The benefits of paid leave can be far-reaching, with children of mothers who 
return to work within 12 weeks less likely to receive immunizations and regular 
checkups, according to a study by University of Wisconsin and Columbia 
University professors published in the Economic Journal in 2005.

“The United States is really out of the loop when it comes to maternity leave,” 
Williams said. Not having a paid leave mandate means “a squandering of human 
capital that is something that we can ill afford in today’s rapidly globalizing 

To contact the reporters on this story: Dune Lawrence in New York at 
dlawren...@bloomberg.net Alison Fitzgerald in Washington at 

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gary Putka at 
gpu...@bloomberg.net .
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