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*Nearly 1/2 of the world's population - more than 3 billion people - live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty - less than $1.25 a day.
1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty.
According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.
And there are 140 million people who are either poor or low income here in the United States.

The poorest among us globally, ***those who are without work to sustain them as the corporate imperative of profit by keeping labor costs low increasingly compels substitution of machine power, robotization and artificial intelligence for paid human labor, *****those who live on the edges of our continents midst rising seal level, those who are or will soon be without food and water resources as *********the glaciers recede,*** rivers atrophy, oceans, land and atmosphere deteriorate,** those who must become homeless migrants ***and move elsewhere *in order to survive, those who cannot afford the inevitably rising costs of food and survival, these are the first and most severely affected, but not the last, to need our compassion, solidarity and mutual aid.

And every aspect of our planetary existence - sentient and all - is at risk.

The US middle and upper classes, less than 4% of the world's population, including me and all those around me, consume about 1/4 of the planet's resources. The most indulged, arrogant and ill-informed upper and middle class - willfully and by ruling design - in history. Our ability to continue in this mode is protected and advanced by the most effective lethal, destructive persuasion, enforcement and military power ever assembled.

Those who know this, who continue to accept it and benefit from it instead of fighting against it, those who know the effects of that system on climate change, those who know all this and do not exert every possible effort, in cooperation with all others, in every waking moment, to understand the system responsible for this condition in order to change it, are failing their responsibilities to their progeny, their species and to the earth that sustains us. By now in criminal ways, given the accruing despoliation, looting and mayhem created.

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