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Capitalism and COVID-19
Global competition or global workers’ cooperation?
By Bonnie Weinstein, May/June 2020

Socialism is a world-wide solution to end the devastation and destruction 
brought about by capitalist competition for the highest profits off the backs 
of the masses of humanity and the rape and pillage of the world’s natural 
resources. It can’t be fully realized country-by-country. The transformation to 
socialism can only be accomplished through the cooperation of all the workers 
of the world.
Now, we, the masses are struggling through a worldwide pandemic—a virus 
exacerbated by environmental filth, pollution, mass poverty, racism, lack of 
healthcare—all caused by capitalism’s need to acquire ever-more profits.
In an April 23, 2020 article by Kristin Toussaint titled, “American 
Billionaires Have Gotten $280 Billion Richer Since the Start of the COVID-19 
Pandemic” 1 that appeared in Fast Company Toussaint stated:
“Though the coronavirus itself may not discriminate in terms of who can be 
infected, the COVID-19 pandemic is far from a great equalizer. In the same 
month that 22 million Americans lost their jobs, the American billionaire 
class’s total wealth increased about ten percent—or $282 billion more than it 
was at the beginning of March. They now have a combined net worth of $3.229 
trillion. The initial stock market crash may have dented some net worth at 
first—for instance, that of Jeff Bezos, which dropped down to a mere $105 
billion on March 12. But his riches have rebounded: As of April 15, his net 
worth has increased by $25 billion. Eric Yuan, founder and CEO of Zoom, was one 
of the few to see an increase in net worth even as the markets crashed, and 
he’s now up $2.58 billion. …These ‘pandemic profiteers,’ as a new report from 
the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive think tank, calls them, is just 
one piece of the wealth inequality puzzle in America. In the background is the 
fact that since 1980, the taxes paid by billionaires, measured as a percentage 
of their wealth, dropped 79 percent. We’re reading about benevolent 
billionaires sharing .0001 percent of their wealth with their fellow humans in 
this crisis, but in fact they’ve been rigging the tax rules to reduce their 
taxes for decades—money that could have been spent building a better public 
health infrastructure,” says Chuck Collins, director of the Program on 
Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies and coauthor 
of the new report, titled ‘Billionaire Bonanza 2020: Wealth Windfalls, Tumbling 
Taxes, and Pandemic Profiteers.’”
Yet, in spite of the increased profits being accumulated at the top of the 
capitalist economic food chain, personal protective equipment (PPE) is in short 
supply for those who need it the most—the healthcare workers and all workers 
who are out in the public doing essential work in grocery stores, delivering 
food from farms, running transit systems, processing food products, etc.
Yet the great capitalist industrial complex is unable to manufacture them. That 
is being left to charity.
Fashion designers are sewing face masks and scrubs and donating them to 
healthcare workers. Other wealthy celebrities are donating money and supplies. 
Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback, donated $100,000, saying that 
communities of color “are being disproportionately devastated by COVID-19 
because of hundreds of years of structural racism.”2
Capitalism’s ineptitude

Instead of scientists coming together across the globe to cooperate in a vast 
effort to fight this pandemic—by sharing information and collaborating to find 
new treatments and cures—the capitalist corporations in each country are in 
competition with each other to control the profits from anything helpful they 
may come up with in isolation from each other.
In an April 10, 2020 article by Peter S. Goodman, Katie Thomas, Sui-Lee Wee and 
Jeffrey Gettleman titled “A New Front for Nationalism: The Global Battle 
Against a Virus:”3
“Every country needs the same lifesaving tools. But a zero-sum mind-set among 
world leaders is jeopardizing access for all. Now, just as the world requires 
collaboration to defeat the coronavirus—scientists joining forces across 
borders to create vaccines, and manufacturers coordinating to deliver critical 
supplies—national interests are winning out. This time, the contest is over far 
more than which countries will make iPads or even advanced jets. This is a 
battle for supremacy over products that may determine who lives and who dies. 
…‘The parties with the deepest pockets will secure these vaccines and 
medicines, and essentially, much of the developing world will be entirely out 
of the picture,’ said Simon J. Evenett, an expert on international trade who 
started the University of St. Gallen project. ‘We will have rationing by price. 
It will be brutal.’”
Complicating the already inefficient competitive capitalist marketplace, 
manufacturers across the globe have adopted a “just-in-time” manufacturing 
model developed by Japan during the post-World War II era:
“They built smaller factories, which focused on quickly turning small amounts 
of raw materials into small amounts of physical products. Processing smaller 
batches allowed the manufacturers to reduce financial risk, while slowing 
generating sustainable levels of working capital. The system that they used 
came to be known as just in time manufacturing, popularized in Western media as 
the Toyota Production System.”4
What this means during this pandemic is that the stockpiles of PPE, food, 
toilet paper, sanitary cleaners and wipes are in very short supply. Instead, 
manufacturers have been producing only what they can immediately sell in the 
marketplace for a steep profit, leaving no stockpiles in storage in case such 
emergencies as this pandemic arise.
So, in the wealthiest nations of the world, there are not enough necessary 
emergency supplies of anything to go around so that only those with the most 
money get the supplies.
The chaos of capitalism and their wars

So, why aren’t the money hoarders being forced to suffer along with the rest of 
us—those who have more money than they and their families can spend in their 
entire lifetimes? Why are they allowed to keep all that wealth created by the 
workers who were employed in their factories, businesses, industries and who 
are now broke and unemployed?
Why are the wealthy immune to economic catastrophe, homelessness, hunger and 
lack of healthcare? And why can’t the “greatest and wealthiest nation on earth” 
supply protective equipment to our medical staff?
Under capitalism this virus is serving as austerity on steroids for the masses 
and even more accumulation of wealth for those on top of the money chain.
Meanwhile, the U.S. war industries continue to thrive bringing death and 
destruction all over the world while using up vast resources that could be used 
to save the world instead of destroying it.
The power of the working class

This pandemic has proved that the working class has the power to take control 
of production and distribution—and that it’s the capitalist system itself that 
is standing in our way. (This simple but profound truth was pointed out to me 
by my youngest son, Johnny Gould,5 during a casual conversation while watching 
the evening news and sheltering in place. It struck me like a bolt of 
lightening!) Tens-of-millions of laid-off workers have demonstrated that the 
capitalist class is bankrupt without them when it comes to solving even the 
simplest tasks of producing enough PPE for our health workers let alone, coming 
up with treatments and cures for this current health catastrophe.
It’s workers who know how to produce with efficiency if we are allowed to do so 
without having to first insure fat profits for the bosses. It’s workers who 
know how to distribute goods and services. It’s workers who know how to 
cooperate and function in hospitals. (How more efficient could our healthcare 
facilities be if the doctors, nurses and staff didn’t have to make sure every 
medical procedure, every medicine administered, every bedding and bedpan 
changed, is billed to the proper agency.) Half their time is making sure the 
billing is done thoroughly!
It’s workers who know how to build factories, how to run hospitals and mass 
transportation, how to plant, produce and distribute food and services.
Could you imagine Trump, Biden or Nancy Pelosi working in the fields of 
California’s farmland? Or in a chicken processing plant?
It’s we, the working class, that knows how to accomplish these things. We have 
no need for the capitalist class—they are entirely superfluous to the 
production of anything. They do nothing but hire workers to do the work for 
them—including the intellectual and scientific work. All they do is hoard the 
wealth workers produce and then take credit for the scientific breakthroughs 
workers discover.
They are helpless without us. And that is our power!

This pandemic has proven that workers are the essential force necessary for 
solving the problems of the world—inequality, injustice, war, environmental 
destruction, pandemics—all caused or weaponized by the chaos of the capitalist 
profit motive that puts their personal profits above all else.
It will be a great day when production is based on the needs of all, and not 
the obscene profits for the tiny few—democratic, cooperative production and 
distribution based upon freedom, equality, and justice for all.
That’s what a socialist society can do for all of us. Socialism is our only 
hope for the future. It can’t be voted in. It must be built from the bottom up 
by the entire working class joining together to change the world for the 
better—because only we have the power and know-how to do it. We have nothing to 
lose but our chains and a world to gain.
4 “What is Just-in-Time Manufacturing”
5 Follow @tandino415 on Instagram
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