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Rotolo’s main reason for sustaining a file was her travel to Cuba. A good amount of the dossier is spent on her trip with the Student Committee for Travel to Cuba in 1964, in defiance of the government’s ban on travel to that country — a matter still with us 55 years later. Not only was Rotolo a passionate spokesperson during the trip, her sin was compounded by the fact that the Maoist-inclined Progressive Labor Party was involved in organizing the visit — thus garnering Rotolo the FBI-subject moniker SM-PL (Security Matter-Progressive Labor). All of this was enough for the Bureau to add her to its Security Index — a list of people marked for detention in the event of a “national emergency.” Rotolo would stay on that list until January 1971, after she had been living in Italy for several years. The FBI removed her “in view of subject’s lack of activity in this country since 1965.”

full: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1CZG-1ifEppuoNFiaq-cBB6rj8Diz7vJeYar6fGw8ZgxRnTofwYVh0IHKIbqmZZez22QAs4XAiS-wIGyLoZ8IB68m7Aq8dTo33ZALb1mwQENgC_bmgk4TZ7sPAV5EtUU5Dx9EZayKXDafWWioctSDYUthqfgZLwMyVDlEo_-HhMfJbP8bvoPbYXLYYxg9AP8cSS7WnPkIYS_QYY8ceCgW6KzX1FWhKB7FKdHdPi1dbkTT_N0Yb9D2Ldr0k7rzqczuScZRgkFCsi_23Ir31LvFgAscwlnY2RtcMqxlUqUueoNZak0DXZT8x4DpNDRYuB75J9px-W6-ci_wr3JfJ95qBetPav-I3LZhvyanta1ZaJIB9zCXlRKcJAkotSV2FBzytgOHHkHSHYhx4eO30QZwmw/https%3A%2F%2Ftruthout.org%2Farticles%2Ffbi-tracking-of-bob-dylan-and-suze-rotolo-foreshadowed-future-abuses%2F

From Rotolo's memoir:


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