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Why Kautsky Was Right (and Why You Should Care)

Karl Kautsky’s vision for winning democratic socialism is more radical, and
more relevant, than most leftists care to admit.

With the recent upsurge in democratic socialism in the United States and
the United Kingdom, a new generation of radicals is searching for a viable
strategy to overcome capitalism. So it’s not surprising that a debate has
broken out over the relevance of Karl Kautsky, the world’s preeminent
Marxist theorist from the late 1880s through 1914.

This might seem like an obscure historical dispute, but it’s not. As the
recent *Jacobin* contributions by James Muldoon and Charlie Post
demonstrate, assessing Kautsky’s politics informs how today’s socialists
respond to a central strategic question: How can class rule be overcome in
a capitalist democracy?

Unfortunately, Muldoon
and Post
focus their articles on Kautsky’s approach
to the German Revolution
of 1918–19, confusing the discussion by failing to sufficiently distinguish
between Kautsky’s long-standing radicalism and his late-in-life turn
toward the political center.

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