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"As for "Zio". . .  It is a *political* designation - and it is a political
designation of an *oppressor* state and an *oppressor* ideology, so not in
any way comparable to racist terms used to describe Afro-Americans (an
*oppressed* people)."

This is reminiscent of that character in "Alice in Wonderland" who defines
words anyway he/she wants, regardless of how the word is used by most
people or, for that matter, as defined in the dictionary.

"Zio" was popularized, if not outright coined, by David Duke of the KKK
over twenty years ago.  The Southern Poverty Law Center has a lot of
background on him and his "contributions." as does Dennis King, author of a
book on neo-Nazi Lyndon LaRouche.  Why would anyone progressive want to
associate with that term, given its odious history?  It makes no sense,
unless the person doing so is either deranged, anti-Semitic or part of a
false flag operation (or all three).  The BDS movement already expelled
four jerks who doubtlessly are quite comfortable with the term "Zio".

Anyone who ever calls me "Zio" to my face will receive the same physical
response a white man would if he calls an African-American the N word.
This is not open for debate.

Sheldon Ranz

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 11:56 AM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Amith wrote:
> "anti-Semitism is treated exceptionally on the left while other forms
> of racism are tolerated, and much if not all of the fuss is itself rooted
> in anti-Arab bigotry."
> and:
> " They are exaggerating anti-Semitism and going to great lengths to
> find it while downplaying anti-Arab sentiment. . . Should be
> straightforward."
> Spot on Amith.
> Since the Israeli state has lost the sympathy of people all over the world
> there has been a frantic effort to associate anti-Zionism and
> anti-semitism.
> The behaviour of the Israeli state is the *perfectly logical consequence*
> of Zionism.  You can't dispossess the Palestinians and then establish a
> liberal, inclusive democracy for all.  The state is going to be, and can
> only be, what it is.  There is no democratic Zionism and there can't be.
> I doubt Tony Greenstein is overly upset by some of the things he has been
> called by a few people here, as he has been on the receiving end of much
> worlse over the years because he is a staunch anti-racist, anti-imperialist
> and anti-Zionist.  The notion that he is at all anti-gay, misogynist and
> anti-semitic is simply risible.
> As for "Zio". . .  It is a *political* designation - and it is a political
> designation of an *oppressor* state and an *oppressor* ideology, so not in
> any way comparable to racist terms used to describe Afro-Americans (an
> *oppressed* people).
> I am behind in reading Digests, so have only just caught up with this
> discussion.  It seems to me that Amith has simply defended what has been
> the standard *basic* anti-imperialist position in relation to Israel and
> Zionism and anti-Arab bigotry.  It should be ABC on a Marxist list.
> Phil
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