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In the NY Times article covering the vote, it states:

Over all, the union was hobbled in its ability to respond to the company’s message to workers. Beyond the question of its contributions to local groups, which the union said were similar to contributions it has made to civil rights and religious groups for decades, anti-union workers dwelled on the indictment last week of a former Fiat Chrysler labor relations official accused of skimming millions of dollars from a training facility to benefit himself and a former U.A.W. counterpart.

“Before all this came out, I felt like the U.A.W. might come in,” Mr. Cooke said.


In the excerpt above, the word "dwelled" links to an anti-union FB page:


While the word "indictment" links to a NY Times article:

NY Times, July 26 2017
Ex-Fiat Chrysler Executive Accused of Siphoning Millions With Union Leader

The former head of labor relations at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles was indicted on conspiracy and other charges by a federal grand jury on Wednesday, accused of siphoning off millions of dollars from a workers training center to pay for lavish travel, gifts, home improvements and other expenses for himself and his main negotiating partner at the United Automobile Workers union.

The executive, Alphons Iacobelli, 57, who suddenly retired from Fiat Chrysler in 2015, used money the company put into a union account to pay for a $350,000 Ferrari 458 Spider, two gold Montblanc pens each worth $35,700, a swimming pool and new kitchen for his home in Rochester Hills, Mich., from 2012 to 2014, according to a 42-page indictment from the United States attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Also charged was Monica Morgan, the widow of General Holiefield, a U.A.W. vice president who led the union’s negotiations with Fiat Chrysler from 2008 to 2014. Mr. Holiefield came under scrutiny inside the U.A.W. in October 2013, when union officials began investigating hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses and transfers linked to a union training center, according to the indictment. He retired in 2014 and died of pancreatic cancer the following year.

The indictment said Mr. Iacobelli authorized $1.2 million in payments for the benefit of Mr. Holiefield and his wife from 2009 to 2013. These included $262,219.11 to pay off the mortgage on a home owned by the Holiefields, as well as first-class plane tickets for Ms. Holiefield, and tens of thousands of dollars in cash transfers to companies she managed.

A Fiat Chrysler accountant, Jerome Durden, 61, of Rochester, Mich., was also named in the indictment. Three other employees of the company’s employee relations department were mentioned in the indictment, but their names were withheld.

“Today’s indictment exposes a disturbing criminal collaboration that was ongoing for years between high-ranking officials” from Fiat Chrysler and the U.A.W., David P. Gelios, a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Detroit, said in statement.

Fiat Chrysler said in a statement that it learned of the actions of Mr. Iacobelli and Mr. Durden in June 2015 and that the men had left the company. Fiat Chrysler and the U.A.W. were “victims of malfeasance by their respective employees,” the company said.

Dennis Williams, the U.A.W. president, said the union was “appalled” by the charges. “The U.A.W. had absolutely no knowledge of the fraudulent activities detailed in this indictment until they were brought to our attention by the government,” he said in a statement.

Both Fiat Chrysler and the U.A.W. said they were cooperating with investigators.

Calls to phone numbers listed under Mr. Iacobelli’s name and Mr. Durden’s name were not returned. Ms. Morgan could not be reached for comment.

While negotiating contracts, auto executives and union representatives often portray relations as tense, signaling that they are battling to win the best deal for their constituents. In recent years, the U.A.W. has staged short strikes during contract talks to show rank-and-file members that they took a hard line with the auto companies.

But the relationship is not always adversarial, however. The industry has seen instances when labor and management representatives have formed close, private ties and crossed legal lines. A decade ago, Volkswagen was rocked by scandal when it was revealed that the company’s top worker representative and a senior labor executive had used company accounts to pay for prostitutes, international travel and expensive wines.

The indictment handed down in Detroit indicated that the payments to Mr. Holiefield began as a way of winning his cooperation in negotiations and labor issues.

The payments were made using a bank account and credit cards linked to the U.A.W.-Chrysler National Training Center, in Detroit. The N.T.C., as it was known, was funded by Chrysler with annual payments of $13 million to $31 million.

Early on in the scheme, Mr. Iacobelli and Mr. Durden approved transfers of more than $150,000 from the training center’s funds to a charity set up by Mr. Holiefield, according to the indictment. Mr. Durden served as treasurer of the charity, called the Leave the Light On Foundation.

In 2012, training center accounts began paying off large American Express bills for Mr. Iacobelli, and covered the cost of leasing a private airplane, according to the indictment. A payment of $96,000 covered the cost of a swimming pool at his 9,800-square foot, three-story home, which has seven bathrooms. Real estate websites value the residence at $1.4 million.

By October 2013, the U.A.W.’s general counsel began reviewing the training center’s accounts and credit card policies, the indictment said. At that time, Detroit media outlets reported that Mr. Holiefield had come under heavy criticism and the U.A.W. president at the time, Bob King, met with several local chapters to quell the uproar. A few weeks later, the union announced Mr. Holiefield would retire the following June. That month, the training center issued the check that paid off Mr. Holiefield’s mortgage.
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