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Adolph Reed: "For example, Trotskyists and others who fetishize association with Democrats as the greatest sin in politics want to argue that Sanders would have been more successful if he’d run as an independent." (https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/08/bernie-sanders-black-voters-adolph-reed-trump-hillary/)

No, the operative term was not "successful". It was "principled". In fact it is not "Trotskyists" that Reed has problems with. It is Marxism. Until the Popular Front of 1934, revolutionaries never backed bourgeois party candidates. In fact the CP merely dusted off traditional Social Democratic strategy and applied it using Stalinist pseudo-leftist rhetoric. This is a terrible historical burden that a self-avowed class-orthodox Marxist like Reed has to grapple with but he comes out a winner every time even if principles end up with the shitty end of the stick.
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