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Generally, the SWP of the USA is too small and too weird to take note of here but Carl G. just brought something to the attention of subscribers to the Yahoo group I created that is worth mentioning in the spirit of Brendan O'Neill's Hamas-bashing on Spiked online.

The latest copy of the Militant went out with an editorial on Gaza that was not harsh enough on Hamas. So they issued a "correction" on their website. Unfortunately (or more accurately, fortunately) I do not have a sub to the Militant so I don't know exactly what the original editorial stated. In any case, check this out:

"The lead article in the current issue — headlined “Israeli Assault Devastates Working People of Gaza: Hamas’ Sacrificing of Civilians Deals Blow to Palestinian Struggle, Workers’ Solidarity” — did not present a proletarian road forward for working people in Israel and Palestine. For that reason, the Militant is putting out this special editorial supplement for distribution with this two-week issue.

The big majority of the growing numbers of Palestinians killed, thousands injured and several hundred thousands displaced in Gaza are civilians. Behind its pretense of leading a fight against Israel, the centerpiece of Hamas’ “strategy” is to sacrifice civilians in hopes the death and destruction can be turned into diplomatic pressure on Tel Aviv. Much of the petty-bourgeois “left” in the U.S. and elsewhere deny the transparent and horrifying reality of Hamas’ course. But not Hamas itself.

full: http://www.themilitant.com/index.shtml

Truly atrocious.
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