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Below are excerpts from an important statement from Syria Solidarity 

The full text is at

"Answer" Trump's Racism & Islamophobia:
Build Solidarity with the Syrian Democratic Revolution!

Democracy is the Alternative to the Phony War on Terror, Sectarian Violence 
and Dictatorships!

The handover of power in Washington DC this week will inaugurate a deeply 
unpopular president-elect Trump into the White House, and a new era of 
unprecedented threats to hard-won civil liberties and basic democratic rights 
across the country.  ...

This new era also poses grave challenges for supporters of peace and justice 
internationally. ...


We cannot oppose the War on Terror while being silent about Putin´s methods 
of genocide in Ichkeria, Russian occupied Chechnya, and Putin´s intervention 
to defend the 46-year Assad dictatorship in Syria against the popular 
uprising for freedom and democracy, which began in 2011 as part of the 
immensely hopeful Arab Spring. ...


We can only stop fascism at home by standing against fascism everywhere!

We can only fight for democracy at home by fighting for democracy everywhere!

There is a great deal we can do if we stand together to stop Trump´s agenda. 
But we can only do this from a position of principled solidarity with the 
democratic struggles of the Arab people - and in particular, the Syrian 
Democratic Revolution! Sadly, the antiwar coalitions we build together in 
struggle against the Bush-era wars have been coopted by leaderships who seek 
to substitute isolationism --Trump´s program!--for international solidarity 
with democratic struggles and principled opposition to attacks on civilians. 
Leaderships such as UNAC and ANSWER do not understand that peace,justice, and 
democracy are international principles, that these principles should never be 

The leaderships of the ANSWER Coalition, UNAC and other remnants of the broad 
Anti-War Movement built in opposition to Bush and Clinton´s criminal war 
against the Iraqi people, propose to ANSWER US wars abroad and repression at 
home by supporting Russian imperialism and Assad´s repression! These 
organisations have stood resolutely in defence of the Assad dictatorship, and 
support the intervention in Syria by Russia, Iran and its proxy militias, 
including Hezbollah. To oppose US imperialism, ANSWER and the like support 
sectarian genocide and the disintegration of Syria! Ironically, by 
apologizing for the regime´s crimes against humanity, ANSWER and the like 
have resorted to the same arguments used by Israel to justify its terrorist 
attacks on civilians in Gaza or by previous administrations to dismiss 
civilian casualties as "collateral damage". Worse still, by repeating Assad´s 
lies that all who oppose him are terrorists, ANSWER and company have adopted 
Orientalist and Islamophobic rhetoric. Even as they exclude Syrians from 
speaking about their revolutionary experience and Assad´s repression, ANSWER 
and their followers propose themselves to lead the fight against racism, 
sexism, Islamophobia and xenophobia! Hypocrisy! It is high time to Listen to 

To stop Trump and his ilk leading us into the abyss of fascism, we must cut 
off the tree at its root! The root from which this right-wing shift in the 
world has grown includes the isolation of the Syrian democratic revolution - 
an unacceptable injustice vigorously promoted by the very forces who today 
pretend to lead our resistance! Leaving the Syrian revolution behind cannot 
be the way forward!

How can we fight racism in the US while asserting Arabs must choose between 
dictators or jihadists? Who is ANSWER to choose for them! Orientalist and 
Islamophobic garbage! Chauvinism! The same kind of vicious logic was once 
used in an attempt to discipline African Americans and postpone their 
struggle for civil liberties until after defeating fascism in WWII.


The real "ANSWER" is that we cannot!

Our failure as the broad progressive forces of the US to defend our Syrian 
sisters and brothers these past six years has contributed greatly to the 
crisis we face here today. ...

The Syrian revolutionaries have shown international solidarity in their own 
struggle. Even as they struggle against the Assad regime, Syrians have built 
solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. As their own struggle has grown 
into the current revolutionary struggle for democracy, they have publicly 
expressed solidarity with other democratic struggles. The banners and signs 
raised in Kafranbel and other liberated areas have specifically expressed 
support for Black Lives Matter, the #NoDAPL struggle against the invasion of 
and environmental threats to Native American lands, and for the rights of 
refugees and immigrants, Syrians stand together with all refugees and 
immigrants, in the US and beyond, seeking safe harbor and a place to rebuild 
their lives.



Issued on 20 January, 2017 by: Syria Solidarity International - A coalition 
of Syria solidarity activists and organisations working to build a united 
international solidarity movement with the Syrian democratic revolution. <>

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