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Three days after the British paratroopers murdered peaceful civil rights
protesters on the streets of Derry at the end of January 1972, tens of
thousands of people marched in Dublin to the British embassy and burnt it
to the ground. The Southern state decided to stand back was the smartest
policy. They knew the Southern masses were fired up and it was best not to
put themselves between those masses and the British state. Republicans held
the high ground and the northern resistance forces enjoyed mass support in
the south.

Less than a decade later, in the 1981 hunger strikes, the Southern state
unleashed violence against the mass movement, however. They were prepared
to use the guards (the Southern cops) to beat thousands and thousands of
supporters of the hunger strikers off the streets. This article, written on
the 40th anniversary of Bloody Sunday (in 2012) looks at what happened in
the aftermath of the massacre and the burning of the Brit embassy and how
the Southern quislings got back the initiative.

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