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Sam Charles Hamad

This is a very deliberate and systematic plan of ethnic cleansing by the regime in Free Aleppo, as we've been seeing with other parts of Syria for years. It'll involve the physical extermination of parts of the populace, but it'll mainly involve the displacement of large amounts of civilians - these refugees that are cast into a merciless exile. It's part of a genocide.

There's a deliberate effort here to depopulate areas of liberated Syria. A rump state that exists on an almost solely communitarian and sectarian basis, propped up by imperialist Russia and Iran, with all the racist and sectarian elements that determine imperialism in general and this imperialism in particular, dependent on foreign Shia jihadists who have no affinity with Syria, can only depopulate the areas that revolted against it. It makes potential governance easier, while it sucks away the base of the rebellion, both in terms of manpower and for other 'human resources', so to speak. This is structural too - it's why Russia and the regime have targeted hospitals and other civil structures. Dismantling the infrastructure of liberated areas. Drain the lifeblood of the revolution. There are now literally no functioning hospitals in North Aleppo, all have been destroyed by the regime and, latterly with much more vicious precision, Russia.

It's also worth noting that when one talks of 'Free Aleppo', they're not just using rhetoric. A culture has developed in areas of liberated Aleppo that, despite being under the constant threat of death from above, would have been unthinkable in Baathist Syria. The regime's apparatuses of extermination, the feared security forces responsible for those Holocaust-esque photos of thousands of Syrians tortured and beaten to death leaked by 'Caesar', will begin to operate in those areas, buoyed as they were very early on in the revolution by Iranian intelligence capabilities, and now also by Russian ones.

The destruction of Free Aleppo, if it is allowed to occur, will be remembered in years maybe decades to come as something between Stalingrad and the sack of Baghdad by the Mongols in 1258. Those whose worldview is narrow and conservative, such as most of the left and the right, will snigger and sneer at comments such as this, at the travails of brown people in far away places that don't feature in the 'worthy victims' part of their ideological dichotomy, but all those who've followed the fate of the Syrian revolution through all its trying, testing contradictions without caving to craven indifference, savage support for counter-revolution or conservative isolationism determined so obviously by racism, will know it to be true
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