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During the postwar boom New Zealand had 'free' tertiary education.  I was
an undergraduate student a while after the boom ended, but my fees at
Canterbury University as a full-time student were $NZ40 a year (that's less
than 60 US dollars) and it was possible to earn that with just a week's pay
in the factory job I had in the holidays between school and university.

In the late 1980s, the fourth Labour government began introducing 'user
pays' as part of its right-wing economic reforms.  Student fees began to
rise massively and education has been commodified quite a bit since then -
although students today still only pay about 30% of what it costs to have
them at university.

While NZ is a specific case of the commodification of tertiary education,
the trend is global, so folks might be interested in this:

Commodifying education: https://rdln.wordpress.com/2012/01/03/1238/

Looking at what has happened in universities, it seems to me that the
process of turning universities into technocratic institutions, which was a
feature of the 1960s, got halted by revolts by students (and, to some
extent, staff).  But the right-wing economic reforms across most of the
First World in the 1980s kick-started the process again.  This time round
it has met with much less resistance, so has continually eroded the old
bourgeois-liberal notion of a liberal university education.

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