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§Re: <https://www.indybay.org/comment.php?top_id=18824542#18824559>Corporate Team of Rivals: Harris Now in Top Tier with Biden to Prevent a Progressive Nominee <https://www.indybay.org/comment.php?top_id=18824542#18824559>
by Ralph Johansen
/Tuesday Jul 9th, 2019 12:55 PM /
First of all, Solomon here employs the term "progressive."

"Progressive" has become a buzz word to conflate reformists with revolutionaries - a category where those who advocate reform within the capitalist system of seeking highest profit on investment as the primary precept are subsumed, to our increasing disservice and confusion, with those who know that this is just another route to capitalist predation and planetary destruction, and who demand the extirpation, top to bottom, of the capitalist system.

Any candidate for office within the two-party system serves that pro-capitalist purpose. Some seek alliance with root-and-branch-radicals around reform, as so-called "progressives," but they are guaranteed, within the process set up by corporate design for governance, to instead haplessly attempt to manage capitalism. It has happened over and over with reformists (witness social democracy or "euro-communism" in Europe over the years, the just-now deposed Greek Syriza regime), and we are increasingly mired in our own excrescence as we continue to tolerate it.

Never has it been more imperative, for our very survival as a species and for the survival of our natural sources of sustenance, that we stop deluding ourselves that the capitalist transnational corporate structure and its hopelessly bought-and-paid-for government agents any longer serve any valid social purpose, and therefore that we affirm by consensus that they must be chased the hell out of power.
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