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Now presenting:
Critique of Capitalism for Kidz!

Critique of Capitalism for Kidz! will help you inoculate your child against the insidious ideology of the rich-- the 1%, the owners of the means of production.

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Volume 1: The Working Class

By C.R. Hayne

The Working Class is the heart warming story of Carlos, who falls under the influence of "funny little men" in stovepipe hats and three piece suits who advise him to maximize profit by mistreating his burro. In the end, Carlos realizes that properly caring for his burro gets better results than abusing him.

The Working Class will familiarize your child with basic concepts such as the alienation of the workers from their labor, capitalism's relentless push toward starvation wages, the physical brutality visited on workers in a capitalist society, and the strategy of the general strike.

Howard Gindoff wites The Great Cartoon of Life, and is the creator of the Elvis Buddha.

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