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As Greece Heads for Default, Voters Prepare to Vote in Pivotal
Referendum on More Austerity
DemocracyNow! June 30

Tens of thousands of Greeks have protested against further austerity
cuts ahead of a key referendum on a new European bailout. The
demonstrations come as the country confirms it will not meet the
deadline for a $1.8 billion loan repayment due by 6 p.m. Eastern time
tonight, deepening Greece’s fiscal crisis and threatening its exit
from the eurozone. Greece will hold a vote this Sunday on whether to
accept an austerity package of budget cuts and tax hikes in exchange
for new loans. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged a "no"
vote, calling the proposal a surrender. We go to Greece to speak with
Costas Panayotakis, professor of sociology at the New York City
College of Technology at CUNY and author of "Remaking Scarcity: From
Capitalist Inefficiency to Economic Democracy."

AMY GOODMAN: We begin today’s show in Greece, where tens of thousands
of Greeks protested Monday against further austerity cuts. The
demonstrations come as the country confirms it will not meet the
deadline for a $1.8 billion loan repayment due by 6:00 p.m. Eastern
time tonight.

NIKO: [translated] We have come here today because we want to tell the
government and the whole of Europe that the government must not back
down. Austerity is destroying people. And this must end. The Greek
people have suffered a lot.

AMY GOODMAN: The European Commission wants Greece to accept an
austerity package in exchange for new loans that would help it avoid a
default. But Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has refused to accept
the bailout deal, calling it a, quote, "humiliation." Over the
weekend, Tsipras announced a national referendum set for this Sunday
on whether Greece should accept the terms of a new bailout. The
European Central Bank followed by rejecting Greece’s request to extend
an emergency loan program until after the vote. In response, Tsipras
announced the closure of Greek banks and the stock market, as well as
restrictions on bank transfers. During a nationally televised
interview Monday night, Tsipras called the rejection of a loan
extension "blackmail" and called for Greeks to vote no this Sunday.

PRIME MINISTER ALEXIS TSIPRAS: [translated] If the Greek people want
to proceed with austerity measures in perpetuity, with austerity plans
which will leave us unable to lift our heads, to have thousands of
young people leaving for abroad, to have high unemployment rates and
new programs and loans, if this is their choice, we will respect it,
but we will not be the ones to carry it out. On the other hand, if we
want to claim a new, dignified future for our country, then we will do
that all together. People have power in their hands when they decide
to use it.
. . .
AMY GOODMAN: Well, for more, we go directly to Greece, just outside
Sparta, where we’re joined by Costas Panayotakis. He is a professor of
sociology at the New York City College of Technology at CUNY and
author of Remaking Scarcity: From Capitalist Inefficiency to Economic
. . .
AMY GOODMAN: Can you explain exactly what the referendum puts to the
people of Greece Sunday?

COSTAS PANAYOTAKIS: Yeah. There are two documents with the proposals
of the Europeans regarding what should have been the measures adopted
by the Greek government in order to get the latest installment of the
loan that it would need to keep servicing its debt in the coming
months. And this has very heavy, very harsh measures. The idea that
Chancellor Merkel, as in your clip, suggested that this was a generous
offer would seem like a cruel joke to all Greeks, even opponents of
the government. We are talking about, you know, reducing pensions even
further. We are talking about escalation of sales taxes. We’re talking
about undermining the livelihood of people who have seen their living
standards already decrease dramatically in the last five years.

AMY GOODMAN: On Monday, the EU Commission president, Jean-Claude
Juncker, accused the Greek government of betraying efforts to broker a
. . .
COSTAS PANAYOTAKIS: Well, I think there is a contradiction in his
speech. He starts, as in this clip, to try to seem like he’s above
this dispute and claiming he wants to bring the two sides together,
but then, a few minutes later into the same speech, he basically
attacked the Greek government as basically lying to Greek people as to
what the terms were, and that even as—even foreign journalists, from
Financial Times and elsewhere, pointed out that he was the one who was
lying when he claimed that there was not a proposal to cut Greek
pensions. So, I mean, there is an element of hypocrisy there. And we
also have to keep in mind that Juncker was the prime minister of
Luxembourg, which has been a tax haven that has systematically
undercut the finances of other European nations, that’s, you know,
mightily contributed to the debt crisis that now he claims to want to
. . .
AMY GOODMAN: So what does this mean for this experiment, for the whole
Syriza movement that has arisen in Greece? What do you think is going
to happen? And how would you evaluate the prime minister, Alexis

COSTAS PANAYOTAKIS: Well, for a long time, Syriza had been making
significant concessions to the eurozone’s austerity agenda. I mean,
the final offer that the Greek side made, you know, had made
significant concessions when compared to the platform of the party. I
mean, this is—we are talking about a country that has over 25 percent
unemployment, and yet the Greek government was willing to basically
propose budget surpluses. I mean, this is a policy—this is not wild
leftist. This is a policy well to the right of Keynesian economics.
But unfortunately in the eurozone today, there is no real democracy,
because basically Keynesianism is bound out of court, and basically
what would be a policy that would appeal to the far right of the
Republican Party in the U.S. is the only economic policy that is
allowed by the eurozone, even though this policy is basically
destroying European societies. And Greece is a good example of that.
. . .
AMY GOODMAN: If you might look through the crystal ball for us,
Costas, in this last minute we have, what do you think will happen on
Sunday? And ultimately, what’s going to happen in Greece?

COSTAS PANAYOTAKIS: Well, the first question is whether the referendum
will happen on Sunday. I think the European response clearly makes it
clear that they want to sabotage the very possibility of a referendum.
And, you know, the situation is very, very much in flux. Things have
been very orderly, as I said, which is—it is good for the government,
and it increases the likelihood of, you know, a "no" vote. But it
would be, of course, unwise to try to make a prediction.

And I think one of the factors that will play a role is that if there
is a "yes" vote to these measures, Prime Minister Tsipras has said
that he would not continue being prime minister, so that would add to
economic disruption the possibility of political instability, because
then you might need to have new elections. And then you might have a
situation where Syriza wins again, because that’s what recent polls
have shown. So, I think people who are concerned about economic
disruption, or even political instability, may actually find out
that—may actually realize that even if they feel frustrated, you know,
a "yes" vote would not necessarily solve the problem as they perceive

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