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The Globe and Mail (Toronto), Tuesday, Feb. 09, 2016
Bernie Sanders an extremist? Only in America

by Gerald Caplan
Gerald Caplan is an Africa scholar, a former New Democratic Party national 
director and a regular panelist on CBC’s Power & Politics.

Only in America would Bernie Sanders be regarded as an extremist – more 
precisely, as the extreme left-wing equivalent of Trump and Cruz. So Bernie (as 
he’s universally known) is not likely to be the Democratic candidate, let alone 
the next president. Anyway, if he somehow fluked a win he’d be driven out in a 
month. Maybe less. A crying shame, but an American reality. As New York Times 
columnist Tom Friedman put it, Bernie is “the far left,” while Trump and Cruz 
are “the far right.”

Mr. Friedman goes further and describes Sanders as a socialist whose ideas 
“died in 1989.” Hello? Wasn’t 1989 the dissolution of the USSR and the death of 
Soviet-style communism? Not only does Mr. Friedman malign Sanders by comparing 
him with “borderline fascists” like Trump and Cruz (Friedman’s words), he seems 
not to understand the difference between socialism and communism.

Mr. Friedman’s characterization is par for the course – three so-called 
radicals or extremists at both ends of the spectrum. On Politico.com, a 
psychologist narrows it to two: “The most startling thing about the 2016 
presidential race has been the rise of two strident populists, Donald Trump on 
the right and Bernie Sanders on the left.” Both of them, it suggests, are 
pretty well equally nuts. Trump himself calls Sanders a “communist.”

There is a word for this analysis, and the word is ignorant. It’s true all 
three men are on the outskirts of the American political spectrum, but that 
says far more about the fringiness of American political culture today than 
Bernie’s ideology. After all, the remaining GOP candidates, most of them 
crackpots, are now considered mainstream, even moderates.

But Bernie really is. At least he would be in Canada, where he’d be just a 
mainstream member of the New Democratic Party (NDP). If he calls himself a 
democratic socialist rather than a social democrat, it’s probably because not a 
dozen Americans have a clue what social democracy might mean. In the U.K., he’d 
likely be in the moderate anti-Jeremy Corbyn wing of the Labour party. In 
Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, all the Nordic countries, he’d be a 
middle-of-the-road member of existing social democratic parties. He’d be 
enthusiastically embraced by tens of millions of people.

Across the rich world, only in the United States is Bernie Sanders seen as some 
kind of extremist of the left. It shows just how dangerously far to the radical 
right America’s political culture has moved.

Sanders situates himself four-square within the tradition of American reformers 
like Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In the view of many historians, FDR, president 
through most of the Great Depression of the 1930s, saved American capitalism 
from its capitalists.

Nor does Sanders embrace such once-classic, now-abandoned left-wing nostrums 
such as the nationalization of industries. “I don’t believe government should 
take over the grocery store down the street or own the means of production,” he 
told students at Georgetown University. “But I do believe that the middle class 
and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a decent 
standard of living and that their incomes should go up, not down.” Throw in a 
couple of “hard-workings” here and there, and Comrade Bernie could jump right 
into the middle of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party.

Nowhere are the absurd limits of American politics better exposed than when 
Sanders is bitterly pummelled for supporting something really far-out, even 
near-Bolshevik – a Canadian-style public health system.

Last October, a voter challenged Bernie. “I come from a generation where 
[socialism] is a pretty radical term – we think of socialism [with] communism. 
Can you explain to us exactly what that is?” Bernie: “If we go to some 
countries, what they will have is health care for all as a right. I believe in 
that. They will have paid family and medical leave. I believe in that. They 
will have a much stronger childcare system than we have, which is affordable 
for working families. I believe in that.”

“What I mean by democratic socialism,” Bernie explained, “is looking at 
countries in Scandinavia that have much lower rates of child poverty, that have 
a fairer tax system that guarantees basic necessities of life to working 
people. Essentially what I mean by that is creating a government that works for 
working families, rather than the kind of government we have today, which is 
largely owned and controlled by wealthy individuals and large corporations.”

Whatever you call Bernie’s vision, bring it on! It’s what every civilized 
society should provide its citizens as a right. It’s what the NDP has long 
stood for.

Last month in California I met several Americans who proudly displayed their 
Bernie badges. I envied them having Bernie. He feels his socialist convictions 
with a passion badly missing in Canada these days. Watching him and Hillary 
debate, Bernie’s unabashed, egalitarian ardour and zeal had me jumping from my 
chair and cheering. I’d follow him anywhere. No wonder American millennials 
adore and trust him.

Yet the excitement he’s been generating regularly across the U.S. was never 
once triggered by the NDP during all those election months last year. New 
Democrats await their Bernie still.

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