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We have to remember that these new military gains by regime forces would have been impossible without the military assistance of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and various Shi’a sectarian militias. The Syrian army has been weakened considerably, various estimation pointing out that its numbers fell from 300,000 to as little as between 60,000 and 80,000 and had suffered various important defeats before the summer 2015, notably after the fall of the northern towns of Idlib and nearby Jisr al-Shughour in May 2015 falling in the hands of the coalition of the Jaysh al-Fath, led by Jabhat Al Nusra and Ahrar Sham.

Desertions and lack of will from the Syrian youth to die for a corrupt and authoritarian regime explain mainly the impossibility of the regime’s army to recruit new soldiers. A lot of young men have actually been fleeing for Europe often after having received their call-up papers or being ordered to report for reserve duty. In the same time, the weakness of the regime’s army has led to the creation of a 125,000-strong locally based National Defence Force, which has been mostly trained and paid by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This is why opposing these foreign imperialist interventions, are so important, because without them the regime would not have been able to continue and deepen its war against the Syrian population.

full: http://peacenews.org/2016/02/12/all-the-international-powers-want-to-crush-the-syrian-uprising-joseph-daher/
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