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Date: Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 1:21 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-FedHist]: Dennis on Gooding, 'American Dream
Deferred: Black Federal Workers in Washington, D.C., 1941-1981'
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Frederick W. Gooding.  American Dream Deferred: Black Federal Workers
in Washington, D.C., 1941-1981.  Pittsburgh  University of Pittsburgh
Press, 2018.  ix + 245 pp.  $34.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8229-4539-0.

Reviewed by Michael Dennis (Acadia University)
Published on H-FedHist (February, 2019)
Commissioned by Caryn E. Neumann

Dennis on Gooding, _American Dream Deferred: Black Federal Workers in
Washington, D.C., 1941-1981_

One of the more enduring myths in modern American history is the
notion that the federal government has been the source of good jobs
for all, particularly for African Americans. Almost an inverse
corollary of this is the stereotype of the indolent, ineffective
federal employee, a figure which, in the popular, mind is often
racialized. Using statistical data and strategic archival
collections, historian Frederick W. Gooding Jr. attacks these both,
presenting a lively challenge to the assumption that the federal
government has offered blacks a refuge from the racism that pervades
the market economy. At the same time, _American Dream Deferred_
suggests that the stereotype is a key component of a larger political
agenda designed to discredit progressive federal government activism

Focusing on federal workers in Washington, Gooding presents a
portrait of African Americans drawn by the opportunity of wartime
work and by the implicit promise of federal government fairness. What
they discovered was a city and a bureaucratic system that routinely
circumscribed black aspirations. Fashioning the term "black collar
workers," Gooding argues that African Americans from across the skill
and educational spectrum ran into racial obstructions that consigned
them to the least desirable jobs, relegating them to job
classifications that prevented them from advancing into supervisory
positions and reinforced their status as second-class citizens.
Gooding makes the convincing case that in the period following
American intervention in the Second World War, black federal
employees, indiscriminate of their professional qualifications or
education and despite multiple official overtures to greater
inclusion and opportunity, "remained economically marginalized" (p.

Wartime demand for workers created opportunities that African
Americans aggressively sought to exploit. But as Gooding makes clear
through several poignant anecdotes, a relationship that began in
wartime expediency proved stubbornly resistant to the nation's
official creed of democratic freedom, one that had only recently been
burnished to fight the Second World War and was now being wielded as
an ideological weapon in the Cold War. Gooding presents Ella Watson,
an employee of the Farm Security Administration featured in the
famous 1942 Gordon Parks's photo "American Gothic" as exhibit "A" in
the case for the black collar employee. The photo features a
blank-faced Watson holding a broom and mop against the backdrop of a
massive American flag in the offices of the Farm Security
Administration. Traumatized by the loss of a husband to a violent
death and burdened by responsibility for a daughter who also had two
children but died tragically after the birth of the second child,
Watson found herself working as a janitor in Washington. Tending to
two dependent children on a meager salary, the job represented an
improvement over domestic and agricultural work, but it offered
little more than a hardscrabble existence. For twenty-six years
Watson worked the night shift, pushing brooms, mopping floors, and
cleaning offices, one of which belonged to a white woman who started
at the FSA at precisely the same time that Watson did.

Gooding does not deny that work for the federal government offered a
modicum of security and generally better wages than those earned by
blacks _in the South_. Compared to northern white workers performing
the same type of job in Washington, however, conspicuous disparities
persisted. What _American Dream Deferred_ underscores is the relative
mistreatment of African Americans at the hands of administrators who
were only too happy to accommodate white racial sensitivities by
continuing to hire blacks as federal government menials. Gooding
convincingly argues that "Watson's lowly position encapsulated the
frustration of black-collar workers who suffered the indignity of
knowing that the only logical explanation for their social and
economic plight was the illogical nature of racism" (p. 36). And it
was not only janitorial staff who suffered the indignities of
pay-scale stagnation, dead-end job categorization, and the deliberate
thwarting of upward mobility. Harvard economist Robert C. Weaver,
famed member of Roosevelt's "black cabinet," also left government
service after eight frustrating years of trying to improve employment
and housing prospects for African Americans without adequate
authority and autonomy to effect any real change.

As much as Gooding's case studies--which include the indefatigable
Julius Hobson, a crusader for the rights of black federal employees
who once threatened to release rats into an upscale Washington
neighborhood in order to make a historically black problem a white
one--illustrate the continuities in federal government practices, it
is his use of statistics--graphs, charts, tables--that drive the
point home. Despite the documentation of systemic racial
discrimination in the federal bureaucracy by President Truman's
Committee on Civil Rights, which produced the scathing _To Secure
These Rights_ in 1947, blacks continued to find themselves restricted
to the least desirable jobs. Analyzing the revised General Schedule
scale of 1949, which documented the fact that most African Americans
toiled in the GS 1-7 grades, Gooding reinforces the case that, even
after factoring in education and training, African Americans
continued to occupy the lowest-paid and lowest-skilled jobs in the
federal government. Despite mounting attention to racial injustice in
the wider society and in the federal bureaucracy, blacks found
themselves confined to "manual, monotonous labor" that "required
little or no interaction with white co-workers, lacked managerial
functions, and did not include supervisory powers over white
employees" (p. 109). It was not for lack of presidential
attention--Gooding even has a chart illustrating "President-led
initiatives to reduce discrimination." It was a lack of presidential
and congressional determination to legislate change, to move beyond
executive fiat to legislative equalization, to make the Civil Rights
Act an effective tool of racial amelioration--in short: to eliminate
the "increasingly covert" but maddeningly resilient practice of
restricting African Americans to the lowest of "good jobs" in the
federal government.

Gooding's analysis belongs in the company of studies on the
segregation of black workers in Washington but also works by Joseph
McCartin, Thomas Sugrue, and Nancy MacLean on the experience of black
workers in a racially stratified job market that made little
distinction between the public and private sector. Yet through its
singular focus on the experience of black workers in Washington, DC,
as well as its detailed documentation of racial exclusion over time,
_American Dream Deferred_ explores new territory. One could wish that
Gooding had deepened the analysis of the post-Reagan era, exploring
the fortunes of African American federal employees as the politics of
austerity became institutionalized in the 1990s and as the
antigovernment, anti-union agenda of the Right became a fixture in
the landscape of American politics.

Perhaps more to the point, Gooding stresses the admittedly valiant
but frequently unproductive efforts of individual employees to seek
redress through a sclerotic administrative bureaucracy that clearly
did not subscribe to the notion that justice delayed is justice
denied. Despite the establishment of the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC), racial pay differentials continued into the 1960s
and 70s. Exploring the rise of resistance, the author highlights
Blacks in Government (BIG), a "professional support group" (p. 166)
that "positioned itself as an ally to management that merely sought
to improve worker productivity and social relations on the job" (p.
169). Considering the history of federal government evasion,
stonewalling, and subterfuge that Gooding has meticulously
documented, however, it seems unlikely that BIG ever stood much of a
chance of improving the prospects for African American federal
government employees. This was particularly the case since BIG
organizers did little to counter the tendency of vulnerable black
employees to "avoid stigmatizing labels as militants or separatists"
(p. 172). By contrast, the left-led United Public Workers of America
(UPWA) defined itself as a vigorous champion of black equality and
women's rights, even holding a Conference on Negro Discrimination in
the Federal Service in 1943 and representing black workers denied
promotions in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Unfortunately,
Gooding dispatches the UPWA in a paragraph. Emphasizing the alleged
upside of the Cold War in the struggle for racial equality over the
devastating impact of anticommunism on progressive unionism, the
author misses the opportunity to consider how organizations committed
to interracial class activism might have advanced the interests of
black federal employees in the postwar period had they not been
red-baited out of existence.

Similarly, Gooding overlooks the impact of anticommunism on
progressive policy voices within the federal government, voices
acutely attuned to the nexus of race and class inequality, which
Landon Storrs has documented in _The Second Red Scare and the_
_Unmaking of the Left _(2012). And while Gooding's case for the
inadequate enforcement powers of the EEOC is effective, he is
curiously silent about the impact which the expansion of bargaining
rights for workers federal workers had on African American employees,
who now constitute approximately 25 percent of the membership of the
American Federal Government Employees. The contribution of labor
unionism to the advancement of black equality and the narrowing of
the racial pay gap is largely missing from _American Dream Deferred_.
This is unfortunate, considering that the conservative attack on
federal government employees is simultaneously an attack on African
Americans _and_ their unions, which have proven critical to the
struggle for racial equality, particularly for black public sector

Notwithstanding these caveats, _American Dream Deferred_ presents a
cogent analysis of the persistence of racial inequities in the one
institution commonly considered the benchmark for meritocratic
impartiality. It is also an important meditation on the capacity of
institutionalized racism to limit upward mobility, inflict
psychological damage, and quash dreams of a better life. The current
drive to privatize, downsize, and de-unionize federal employment is
steadily eroding even the job security that, despite all the
qualifications which Gooding elucidates, once made the "good job"
good for so many.

Citation: Michael Dennis. Review of Gooding, Frederick W., _American
Dream Deferred: Black Federal Workers in Washington, D.C.,
1941-1981_. H-FedHist, H-Net Reviews. February, 2019.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=53471

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Andrew Stewart
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